Some doctors and scientists are working on this and doing great work. However, too many family doctors are in the line of "no masking required" which just makes things worse.
I’m so sorry to hear this. I stopped going to see western medicine doctors because they kept adding on acronyms to my LC! POTS/MCAS/CFS/ME and fibromyalgia. Enough already!
18 months. I joined a support group in Austin & we have several members that are on year 4 or 5 like you are. I thought I would be the one to kick it to the curb early. Ha! Can you still work?
That’s extremely discouraging news. Sorry you’re dealing w/ multiple life altering autoimmune diseases. The up side of getting a diagnosis is that some are still out here floundering from Dr to specialists & still no formal diagnosis. I’ve been sick 5+ yrs w/ all the crap w/ no formal diagnosis.
That’s true! I’ve been floundering for years as well and still am, but ‘happy’ I finally get some answers. Also thankful that doctors are willing to try medication to find some improvements. I do wish for everyone the same!
So glad you’re making some progress. I got sick in Dec 2019 before testing was available. In my city, unless you couldn’t breathe they told us to stay home & isolate. I did for 2 + wks. I felt ok for a few days then wham! Had no idea my symptoms were from that one exposure. I’m also a me/CFS patient
I was sick with EBV several decades ago. After being sick I was diagnosed with ME/CFS. I actually managed life pretty well until Covid. Now I live in a constant EBV flare. Covid resurrected EBV and added its additional hell to live through.
Sorry to hear that Covid made your live so much worse. With a ME/CFS diagnosis it was probably not easy already. Hope things will get better for you, and all of us!