“If we don’t give him absolute power, he might try to seize absolute power,” cool cool cool.
Reposted from
Ann M. Lipton
"activist leaders have told him and colleagues that they fear protests against Trump might eventually be used as a predicate for declaring martial law. Other House Democrats echoed this privately"
Something something in advance
Something something in advance
Those Vichy-esque assholes can fuck all the way off. They are betraying everything the veterans of the first half of the last century stood up for.
We need to force their hand before they are ready. Letting the opposition choose the location and time isn't good.
Or, fuck it. Burn it down. I dunno.
ML won’t work in the USA though. Standing army of 1.3 mil vs 330 mil of the most armed civ’s in history? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In the end, I am choosing to believe in the character and patriotism of the American soldier. It's all I have.
It is abhorent to even imagine.
In case you didn't notice, he IS trying to seize absolute power!
This is the time for courage from our leaders! We will remember who stepped up!--and who didn't!
They want us to volunteer to be cannon fodder in that Trump will gladly order protestors killed. They squandered and bungled their every chance to prevent this. The least they could have done was cut us a few more stimulus checks while they had power.
None of the major networks can be trusted as they have all settled with trump.