Leaders lead. As long as Democrats follow polls, they aren’t leaders, they’re just obstacles; followers taking space where leaders ought to be.
Reposted from
Joshua Erlich
i am once again saying that if you allow polling to define rights, you don't have any real rights at all
Republicans have changed the meaning of these words into slurs .
You can not be a harmless lab rat in this modern era without Trump accusing you of being a threat to national security.
Which is very apt, because they are actually playing on their own field but choosing to appeal to the very loud but small contingent of republican fans instead of trying to get their own fans cheering for them
I see blue Nazis.
Actually humane human beings in power?
V E R Y few and far between.
Getting to be less and less with each new olive branch to the fascist regime.
Yes, let's make sure the home team wins every game because that's what *the fans we can see* want from us.
If Dems don't show bravery, it's because they get hung out to dry every time they do.
second, polls reflect perception, change the perception change the polls, it's backwards thinking
"if your rights are based on polls you have no rights" cool thanks now everyone is going to talk about that instead of how the original point was bs to begin with.
You lose an election and pretty soon the ruling party decides maybe you're not popular enough to get a seat at the table.
Current Dems are trying to pander to people with different views which will always fail.
Since January they have crept meekly slowly and somnambulantly as the republic burns.