I had no idea it was National Pie Day and it's now getting late for me to find and eat a pie. Why has this important occasion been so poorly publicised. We need six weeks' build-up to it, like Christmas.
Reposted from
Nigella Lawson
Apparently, it’s #NationalPieDay and yes, I do know these specially designated days are just marketing, but so what? This one’s prompted me to give the Lancashire Butter Pie (from the wonderful book #Butter by Olivia Potts) a spin, so it’s all good! www.nigella.com/recipes/gues...
But I’ve ‘calendarised’ this and I should be onto it next year if I’m spared 🥧
You should be able to find a pie-seller on their way to sell their goods. Ask to taste their wares and soon you’ll be… wait, what?
Actually, don’t bother unless you like whale.
This has escalated badly.
But my husband is away, so instead I decided to buy the ingredients to make a 2-minute tortellini with pesto and cheese, eating like I did as a student.
So, unless it's also National Eat Like a Student Day, I've utterly failed at this day.
But, yes, I DO know Mark. We met him for the first time a couple of years ago & immediately dressed him up as a chicken.
I have never dressed him like a chicken, though. There has to be a story behind that? 👀