Truth matters. But when debunking climate misinformation, we have to understand that science denial is just an excuse for solution aversion. If we don’t want to fix it, any excuse will do: it’s not real! not us! not serious! That’s why talking solutions is so important. #AMS25
The UK recently shut down its last coal power station, but it's hard to get across that this is a good thing when you live in a city that suffered unemployment & economic decline through the closing of the mines.
Sadly, politics is the death of science, whichever brand of it is practiced. Part of the appeal of environmentalism has always been staking out the high moral ground. If that’s your main motivation - and it’s devilishly hard to detect in oneself - you don’t want a solution either
Normal people who believe denialist propaganda can often be reasoned with, but only with patience, caring, and respect.
Calling them idiots, denialists, shills, ignorant, uneducated, anti-science, etc., will achieve less than zero: it entrenches them further.
Younger generations are far more motivated but we're literally outnumbered during elections.
People are scared for the future, so they ignore the pink elephant 🐘 in the room.