You're getting mixed reviews because it's a mixed bag. If you really want a child, do it, but recognize that it will require true sacrifice and lots of sleepless night. The love is incomparable, but the struggle is REAL.
Well said. Thank you. Conversations like this is important. As an educator many parents probably would have done things differently if understand the TRUE sacrifice.
I don't think anyone looks back on their childhood and can't identify something that they wish was different. There is no parenting manual. That's why it's important to show ourselves and our ancestors grace.
As a parent, I believe that we all try to do the best we can with what we know, but no one is perfect. My kids are now in their early 20s. Hindsight, there are definitely things that I would do differently, even if on a whole I got a lot of things right.
It takes a village… FOR YOU! You got steady work? Your woman? Are y’all on the same page? U & the in-laws cool? She get along with UR mama? Y’all dealing with trauma? All of these can have the wrong answer, but if you’re aware of their effect, you’re 90% there. My kids are grown and I’d do it again.
The partner comes first & is the most important decision before kids. What kind of partner are they now and will they be willing to grow/evolve & be inconvenienced lol. The partner you have will either make the *kids* journey better or worse.
Also what people need to remember is that the loudest people on social media are the ones that complain about everything including kids. But yes the people you have kids with are the most important thing that decides if it goes well and ppl never factor that into the equasion.
Having kids was one of the best decisions in my life, but if I had to make that decision in this political landscape, my partner and I would not have kids.
Bruh…it’s rewarding but it’s WORK. Just the little ish like having to get them ready for school every morning and ready for bed every night can be draining. Not to mention when they get sick.
I’m so grateful for my child BUT becoming a parent isn’t something people should be doing just because society tells them to. If you enjoy alone time, I wouldn’t procreate tbh
Kids are beautiful and precious, but one advice I always give is make sure you are ready financially, mentally and emotionally. If you are not there, you shouldn’t have a kid because they require all that and then some
In my opinion, you find the person you wanna spend your life with first, THEN have the kids.
1. you don’t have TRUE PARTNERSHIP with your kid’s other parent.
2. if you’re doing it out of peer pressure
3. if you can’t run on 2 hrs of sleep for the 1st 2-3yrs 😬
…Ohhhhh and make sure you are SURE of the momma! You don’t want those court, custody, money problems
But when I hear bout other ppls kids I’m like 😬😬
Like anything “worth it” you get more value out of it with a good plan & team (it takes a village).