The protections afforded by the Constitution apply to EVERYONE within US jurisdiction. Not just American citizens.
Everyone within US territory, citizen or not, criminal or not, legally here or not, is entitled to due process and equal protection under the law.
Everyone within US territory, citizen or not, criminal or not, legally here or not, is entitled to due process and equal protection under the law.
The Republicans canceled the Constitution.
They have one rule for them and their supporters, and another rule for everyone else, and they ALWAYS apply the relevant rule.
They want this.
These assholes can't even cultural imperialism properly.
Now? Now they are just explicitly stating that if you oppose their Tyranny, you are an Enemy of the State
Regardless of how you oppose them, that opposition is a crime
From "Land of the free & home of the brave" to "Land of Bigotry & home of the entitled Wealthy".
No one else need apply.
They are unconstitutional because we cannot supervise or enforce the law when they are not our employees. It is funnelled through lax oversight on purpose.
We can't have operations without enforcement, as now.
Also, the whole revoking permanent residence and visas without warning is petty and random. People going to stop coming here.
No one should be stripped of their rights based on their status or origin.
Thank you.
Republicans ignoring this fundamental principle undermines the very foundation of justice and equality in our system.
I don't understand why it's happening when we are globally connected now.
Maybe I'm naive?
Especially about my fellow AmeriKKKans
People here on a baseline average suck & don't have the courtesy to swallow
But it's been a whimsical / sardonic joke with my parents that I'm dour enough to qualify for being Russian
I focus on the anger, compelled by how unjust and insane society is, and I put that anger in my hands, and I use my hands to work. I hope you can find something similar.
Mathews v. Diaz, 426 U.S. 57 (1971); see also Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678, 693 (2001)
All hail King Trump
Granted, he is comparing himself with a drug addicted and grossly overweight man, before he died.