Hyper-local me is all, “Have you ever been to the Groundwork Somerville/Somerville Growing Center’s Maple Boil in Union Sq.? They tap Sugar Maples on the Tufts campus!”
I'm not sure about terroir, but different temperatures throughout the sugaring season affect the sap and the taste. So I'm sure somewhere comparably warmer must taste a little different!
I am fully in support of maple syrup obsession. I love sampling different types from different times in the season. It's fun to suss out the differences!
My old college boyfriend whose uncle made it in Putney turned me on to it. It used to be called “Grade D” until someone realized that made it sound bad so now it’s “Grade A dark” or something
Does maple syrup have terroir? Like are there those who are relentlessly pursuing those unique notes of a Kentucky syrup?
I’ll report back two years hence.
The best is the dark kind though. All the producers know that