I find myself constantly double checking the news source expecting it to be The Onion then I realize not even The onion could make this stuff up! Those guys at The Onion are probably struggling right now with how to out-do reality
They’re just a distraction, knowing they’ll never get senate approval yet they will get press to focus on instead of what Trump is doing in the background. It’s like a baiting switch. He told you one thing while he does another.
Why? I don’t think that’s effective nor helpful in how to better and enrich our lives. Plus, a lot of these cabinet picks were pre-determined or obvious and we had plenty of time for gut reactions then.
The markets popped after the election as retail investors celebrated less regulation and bigger corporate tax cuts. But each time a new cabinet appointee is announced, share prices drop in a related sector. Shareholders with skin in the game know where the economy is headed and it's not good.
As a non-American, I'm sick and worried for you too. I'll do what I can for you but I'm very worried that there's not much I can change. The magats don't even realize they'll be killing themselves first, especially with the vaccines.
As a non-American observer, it's troubling to see the U.S. prioritizing unqualified warmongers over skilled diplomats. This could push the Global South further into China’s orbit, while America's global influence continues to decline.
h, cabinet appointments. An endless cycle of… well, what’s the point, really? Is anyone ever actually surprised? At this rate, I’ll bet the next person gets appointed based on a Twitter poll.
Seriously, every day is some new fresh hell. I'm to the point where I'm just happy doge is basically meaningless and he isn't announcing Laura loomer for any cabinet seats 😂.
Last week I read a quote that waiting for the election results was like waiting for the results of a biopsy. This week, we’ve gotten the bad news now we’re hearing the awful options.
You like round up? How about a little atrazine in your morning cereal?
Want more red 40 or more yellow 40 in your food? Evidently! That's awesome. We can send you a rail car full when it's all banned. Then you can be a roundup licker. No one ever died from licking windows atleast.
So you like round up? You like atrazine? You like highly processed foods? How about some 2-4d along with your morning coffee?
Just clearing the air for the rest of us. Apparently you want these things to continue existing? Just an honest question that you probably won't answer.
In the past, people claimeds Hollywood was imitating life. NOW, it's life imitating Hollywood. Think.. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Beavis & Butthead, AND Idiocracy (the movie)..
ALL at one time, IN The White House.
I mean, name one that genuinely surprised you.
He's setting up a junk drawer.
Ought to get community resolutions where we can.
The country will have to burn as a wake up call. Sad, yet true.
I wish the best of luck to those over there attempting to resist the maniacs about to take over 🍺
I know that feeling. 😥
Want more red 40 or more yellow 40 in your food? Evidently! That's awesome. We can send you a rail car full when it's all banned. Then you can be a roundup licker. No one ever died from licking windows atleast.
Just clearing the air for the rest of us. Apparently you want these things to continue existing? Just an honest question that you probably won't answer.
ALL at one time, IN The White House.