Donald may very well not realize, or has forgotten it’s not on his head. With his dementia, Elon can tell him anything and he’ll believe it. I’d love to see the other pics from this flight. 😂
He's the direct liaison between Putin and Frump, but once Tulsi Gabbord is in place at National Intelligence, maybe not so necessary? Hopefully there's a window with his name on it.
Yeah, it's been failing ever since the indictments and arraignments began. Steadily getting worse and worse. Also, his pancake makeup application has been getting steadily sloppier at the same time.
A malignant narcissist is completely incapable of tolerating a threat to his primacy. DT may *want* to make nice for now, but his pathology forbids it long term. He just can’t help himself.
Wait until Musk disagrees with him. many autistic brains are not set up to handle redirection like that and unfortunately he will begin to struggle with the dynamics of No. 47's need for loyalty of mind. I actually feel sorry for him. He has no idea how hard his life is about to get.
When that bromance finally ends, can you imagine the amount of damage the world's richest man could do to both Velveeta Voldemort and the Republicans in general?
Oh, how cute. Two fourth-grade boys having a grand time while one is losing his hair and the other is oblivious to his coming demise. Boys will be boys. 😠
No, I don't think that it was. It's because his hair is so blonde that the light is bouncing off of it that it appears to look bald. But I do think it's also because his hair is so thin that you can actually see through it slightly. 🤷♀️😊
I disagree. His whole forehead is exposed & tRump would never present himself like this or allow this image to circulate. Besides that I just damn don't care, including any responses about this
ELON: "Oh, totally. I would never promote a pic to humiliate you to promote ME ME ME! Weeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeee! look at me jump!!!!!!"
But I’m so glad you are on here, I looked you up hoping you made it over.
Oh no... is skydaddy gonna send a bear to maul me? I AM SO SCARED! :D
Thank you for your opinion!
Have a great evening!
Remember to smile!
Idk why everyone is editing him out of it