As a tourist that experienced a health crisis in Germany I can vouch for the fact that I was adequately cared for in the ER for 9 hours and paid around $150 USD.
Manufactured crisis (Putin's tactic)
Rand corp. definition: deploying a “firehose of falsehood” to “overwhelm audiences with a relentless flood of disinformation, partial truths, random facts and social media speculation”.
Not stupid, greedy. Greedy to the point of rationalizing suffering and death away as long aas the bottom line remains highly profitable; suffering equals profit. Not stupid, greedy and evil.
We seem to think we have to reinvent the wheel. Do some research and model a system after the most successful ones. Then again, it's about greed and moneyed influence so no research and no movement to help THE PEOPLE.
A large reason why I'm so pissed about Trumps 51st state bullshit! Sure, I may pay a couple extra points in taxes, but i pay SIGNIFICANTLY less for my healthcare and pharmacy
Anytime I've compared paystub with American friends, it's always a good laugh how little extra I pay for how much we get
Also worth mentioning that my kids have fire drills instead of active shooter drills, that alone is worth the extra three or four percent I pay in taxes 😏
Because the stupid people in charge(billionaires) need it to be, to maintain the status quo. We have the poorest education and healthcare for a reason.
The meaning of the 40 is the lie in their religion which rooted their fate in this false religion so hard, which is how their """"god"""" led them 40 years in the desert to get here.
And in general, this is a war based religion, they thrived it all.
The 40 position and the amount of points is a cancer this nation had done throughout history, beginning with 3,175 years ago when they formed the first religion and betrayed R first, which led to the rest to form religions.
And R can even design us the robot which will take the blood samples from us (I'll be the first) which can automate the entire process and reduce the costs.
In fact, they are already using AI in hospitals but didn't lower the cost(y)ts, they wanted the extra profits.
Can anyone begin to understand how it is, being forced to do this, surrounded by them, yes them, who I was exposing (v) the evil which was done to them for almost 20 years, and now they coming at me, despising me, after I did EVERYTHING to avoid it.
It's a concentrated effort to weaken the education system and have an uneducated electorate. I live in a red part of California. The people here are fed a constant stream of Fox News. They are ignored by the state which invests in its urban centers. No money for schools or libraries out here.
US health care: It’s like ordering the most expensive steak on the menu and getting a single chicken nugget served on a silver platter—except that nugget still comes with a surprise $20,000 hospital bill because you accidentally choked on it.
Hailing from Germany, I never understood the US insurance / health care system.
Even before the orange goblin tried to destroy it...
(Neither does the rest of Europe.)
But I always felt pity.
It's not right to go in depth just because of sickness or injury...
I am of the mindset, at this point, that the US is not among the truly "developed" nations of the world. Tech achievements & a bloated military should be weighed against citizen services, education, environmental care & health availability. We are shamefully lacking!
Old data but an important piece of the puzzle. If they don’t want change and continue lobbying efforts and donating to DC politics there won’t be substantive improvements to our messed up healthcare system anytime soon.
Controlling health care is a great way to control employees. How many people do you know who have stayed with a job they hated because it offered health care? I know many in that situation. Employers have a lot to lose if people can quit and still have health coverage.
Oh no, you see, not when *they* do it, because they worked soooo hard to earn it. That's only for the people they deem under them, obviously. How dare they want food, shelter, and basic human rights met? Greedy and lazy, that must be it!
We’re 36th in world ranking in education. We’re obviously too stupid to figure it out. Not smart enough to copy other models. Proving the oligarchs in the senate and congress private school educations were a waste.
Heading back to San Diego airport I fill up my rental car. Cashier sees my German credit card and asks if it is true that everyone has health insurance over here. “Since June 1883, Sir.” That look on his face.
We do indeed have higher taxes than our American neighbours but we don't fear bankruptcy if we suffer a terrible accident or illness. (Or have a baby) In the end it's worth it to almost all of us. 🇨🇦🇨🇦👋
Greedy white men is the reason! I say that knowing many in medical field. Those that got into medicine for the right reasons want people to have accessible healthcare. So many lives would be saved as a result.
America is so stupid they voted for Silver Spoon billionaire, believing he actually cares about little people.
America so stupid they believe private health insurance better than Medicare or single payer, even after decades of complaining about corrupt private health insurance screwing them over.
The ignorant fools in this country will latch onto any half-assed report saying government run health care is incompetent or dangerous. All the while ignoring the actions of health insurance companies who only serve shareholders.
Delay, deny, depose.
Their govt input alone is greater than any other govt in the world. Approx 50% more per capita than Switzerland, 100% more than Australia and Canada. We achieve much better outcomes with 50% less from the govt and very little input from the individuals.
America ,the bulk of the people in America are good and giving.
but those selfish greedy fucking assholes that want to own everything , lord over everyone and won't part with even one cent if they can hang onto it all and allow people to suffer...
THAT is what makes our nation so stupid.
So you're saying that ALL money comes from government to pay taxes? No .
Federal income comes from people & corporations who PAY into the tax system from the revenue that is earned from whatever company/ profession/job. I'll give you there are many instances where gov stepsin& assist with business
I used to think the bulk of the people are great but I’m not so sure anymore. Electing a convicted felon over a highly qualified black woman speaks volumes.
good point..
I can't argue..
but I still think the working class would be the first to donate to a crowd funding for cancer treatment for a stranger or to a natural disaster zone..but yes the state of our politics and social / class division is very tragic
I hear you but would they donate to a cancer victim with brown skin? That’s the real test. I live in a red county and follow the local newspaper. The comments on their articles about immigrants are vile.
I wish I could answer that..I think that there IS a third of our nation that are hopelessly racist, hate-ist inculcated to hate the other that does not look or think as they do and their world is always going to be small and suspicious.
And this woman with a full policy plan for UHC because she was serious about it.
Not just a campaign slogan with no guide page written. One grabbed from Sens Javits & Kennedy yrs ago, a handy slogan & a crafted sales pitch for enough gullible voters to give the electoral to Trump.
We'd have UHC
Not Big Pharma- we have them (same exact companies and medicines) in every other country too, and we still have functioning universal healthcare.
Politicians, insurance providers and AMA lobbyists. I am an MD in Sweden and I earn a good salary, but 1/10 what I would earn as a doctor in the US.
America is great if you're rich! You pay little to no taxes and can get great healthcare. If you're poor then tough luck! It's your fault you're poor! /s
Don't be fooled with these health care programs, at first it's all great, but then a few years later you will see and feel the wrath of this worldwide scam we r in!
Before HC i was insured for 7.95 guilders, that's 3,70 euro! Now i pay 147,- basic insurance (no packages). Total scam in the end.
make it work?
We in Holland r by LAW obligated to get health insurance! And ever since this law came into effect. the prices went up more then 400% and the way you r insured is now not all incl. But in packages! And i can't afford ALL packages, so every year i GAMBLE on what might happen this year.
En ook dat is een politieke keuze gemaakt door (gekozen) rechts, want ‘Marktwerking zorgt voor concurrentie blablabla’. Jouw keuze: beter=duurder, goedkoper=minder. En ik zat er middenin want ik wilde mijn werk (45jaar) goed doen. Zorgverzekeringen verbieden dus! Terug naar NUTS-voorzieningen
Bigotry is the reason Americans don't have Universal Healthcare.... if there was a way only white people could legally have Universal Healthcare, it would have been passed years ago.. until we all see ourselves in each other, oligarchs will continue to win..
So true. Thom Hartmann in The Secret History off American Healthcare explains that the 20% of healthcare costs not covered by Medicare has racist roots.
Please Provide us with the Intakes and Outflows from these Various programs. Because the only one I can find is the NHS in the UK and they are in deep doodoo.
Yeah, you pay 20% taxis and we pay 30% but we have hole different life. We tax the rich too. So nobody gets bankrupt if they get sick or lose there job. If I lost my job today I would still get money every month, now I'm sick but still get 90% of my paycheck every month.
The funniest thing about this is that as a share of GDP US public heatlthcare spending is about the same as other western nations, and actually higher than in Canada. So Americans first get to pay for healthcare in taxes like rest of us, and then out of pocket.
It's not stupidity, it's just greed and the ability to see empathy decency integrity compassion understanding and sympathy as weakness. The lack of caring for those less fortunate.
I can get a same day appointment with my doctor if required, same week if not urgent. Specialist phones me back within a day or two to determine if I need to be seen. I can walk into an hospital 24/7 no cost involved. Patients are triage so the wait will vary there. No system is perfect.
“America” used to symbolize a diverse and dynamic society, associated with freedom,democracy, innovation, and opportunity. It also encompassed the blend of cultures, traditions & histories that shape a country. We are not America NE more.
Remember, a large segment of the people that believe that the United States has the best health care system in the world, also voted for Donald Trump. America is full of IDIOTS.
America is stupid, but in this case, Democrats are too complacent.
The ACA was the closest we got to UHC, but the Democrats allowed the Republicans and corporate vultures to pick it apart until it is the carcass we have today, and only mildly fought to improve it over the years.
Aww no you can vacation here, spend your money here. We wont be returning the favour though. We are spending our spare time researching who owns what so we can personally add to the US pain. Sorry, not sorry.
Not stupid, conditioned from birth to except the worst possible conditions but believe that they are the worlds greatest ever nation. It's an incredible accomplishment of self delusion
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, ensure that Trump has no plans to give Alaska back to Putin. Unite Democrats and Republicans to stand firm in protecting Alaska's future.
Don't forget to call your representatives every two seconds to remind them not to sell us out!! With all that cash being thrown at them, they have only little wee slips of a goldfish memory.
Our country is in disarray. The world is perilously close to a trip wire of incredible devastation. There is one way out of this. The Clean New Deal. This is a tutorial of what we laid out and why.
Getting rid of the top pay Healthcare CEOs, millions in salary and welfare subsidies yearly. Their job it to see what to NOT pay for to make a PROFIT. Not to keep people healthy. Universal HC would only cost 3% per paycheck for full everything vs 10%-25% to get deductibles and refusal of services.
Critics say these countries are much smaller than the US to have universal healthcare. Utter nonsense. Time and time, the US with its mighty industrial base can scale up and implement a complex problem. If this country can produce such a mighty military, it is capable to give universal healthcare.
The United Conservative Party of Canada or the “Cons” as we call them are actively working to make the Canadian healthcare system FAIL.
Not so ironically many of the con party members are balls deep with private medical and medical insurance companies trying to take over…
People who are anti-universal healthcare: “I don’t want to pay for someone else’s healthcare!”
Me: dumba*s you’re already paying for other people’s healthcare with higher copays and the inflated prices of every service and item in US healthcare. 🤦♀️🤷♀️
And here's the thing. Even poor countries like mine have it. We have issues and it's not perfect (corruption, economy and crisis) but we try to give healthcare to the poorer of people. How can the U.S. not provide that?
It’s a matter of folks with insurance acting like they are superior to those who don’t have any. It’s ridiculous because if one person in a community is lifted out of poverty, the WHOLE community benefits. They can’t see that, and it’s so sad
No, see. that's the thing. America is stupid, yes. But in this situation they are also mean spirited and greedy, in thrall to the pharma companies and medical conglomerates.
It's not that complicated though. Your problem is that of those 33 countries, America has the biggest proportion of selfish assholes both in control and the electorate.
The only problem is that the Canadian conservatives want to destroy it so they can give it to their Rich Buddies and the insurance agencies and all them greedy Wall Street assholes
We have a a premiere who is actively trying to disable public health care. Smith is a treasonous Mango Mussolini fan with the intellect of a gnat who is actively trying to mirror US healthcare. How she was elected, is an indictment of Albertan voter’s intelligence.
The US will never have affordable healthcare. Drug companies and other industries would lose tens of millions in profits because they would no longer be able to charge outrageous sums. Healthcare should never have become a financial stream for creating billionaires.
The other 32 countries design their programs on a win-win basis. The greed by the Dark Money donors, won't allow these programs to exist here. Time to revisit Dark Money and how it affects our 99% and illuminate it once and for all!! There is a Swamp/Sewer to be Drained; CF34 & his cultists must go
Man, if you are paying attention, you’ll see that hospitals and medical facilities are being bought up by investors. They are corporate conglomerates. Name changes announced constantly like it’s a good thing. They want every penny you have to go to the rich corporations. Now the rich are fleeing gov
I agree will Bill Maher that America is a stupid no nation. Only one of 33 developed countries in the world does not have universal healthcare. I blame the AMA and big pharm along with a right wing government that thinks they know what is best for us.
The top one percent of the population with the cooperation of our elected officials keep us fighting among ourselves over pronouns, tax cuts for the wealthy, immigrants supposedly eating cats and dogs and anything they can think of to distract from our actual needs like healthcare for all.
And the dollar $$$... The worst slavery tool we ever created. Mentally & physically breaks individual citizens one by one. It's just paper backed by nothing but magical debt.
Perhaps someday when people
choose people over profit.
aka permacrisis
Manufactured crisis (Putin's tactic)
Rand corp. definition: deploying a “firehose of falsehood” to “overwhelm audiences with a relentless flood of disinformation, partial truths, random facts and social media speculation”.
We've been hosed
Only in Amerika are profits put ahead of people's health and lives. So Amerikan.
Anytime I've compared paystub with American friends, it's always a good laugh how little extra I pay for how much we get
Wake the Fuck up America!!!!
For-profit interests are why US healthcare costs are the highest and health outcomes are among the lowest of all developed countries.
Most of our visits to the doctor are a recurring health issues.
A simple blood test and AI can automate the entire process including getting the pills from the pharmacy.
Here the pharmacy is inside the clinic.
Human supervision.
Terry was recruited to take them down.
R wrote Terry on my keyboard.
I was Terry.
Tick sound.
History will know the truth, we will 'tell them good old stories about ma and pa', about you.
We'll send you a postcard from space mountain.
And in general, this is a war based religion, they thrived it all.
No way it could have gone another way.
The Rotchild pay jews to come here and steal this land so it'll be their evil base of operation.
They got the UN to give them this country, and look what they've done here.
His ""bike"", it was his personal angle, not yours.
I was at the cafe in the evening and suddenly they all ran to the shelter.
Say Don't Go was playing.
Stayed put and swore to stay.
In fact, they are already using AI in hospitals but didn't lower the cost(y)ts, they wanted the extra profits.
The minimum must be veins.
Although in my humble opinion we must have metros all over.
Never been, but I heard Japan made it best, 3 trains tops from farest location in the south to the farest in the north.
So they come at me, as if R has ever allowed it.
But they will never go to R, will never accept her.
Not that she wants anything to do with them.
After I didn't know and was forced to do it.
It's a cult, not just Maga but the american exceptionalism.
You absolutely described it perfectly!
Even before the orange goblin tried to destroy it...
(Neither does the rest of Europe.)
But I always felt pity.
It's not right to go in depth just because of sickness or injury...
Not a Pen.
The Fed.
Go figure...
/s (hopefully obvious sarcasm)
America so stupid they believe private health insurance better than Medicare or single payer, even after decades of complaining about corrupt private health insurance screwing them over.
Delay, deny, depose.
& corrupt greedy middlemen 🤑embezzling as much cash 💸 before folks demand Medicare for all.
but those selfish greedy fucking assholes that want to own everything , lord over everyone and won't part with even one cent if they can hang onto it all and allow people to suffer...
THAT is what makes our nation so stupid.
Federal income comes from people & corporations who PAY into the tax system from the revenue that is earned from whatever company/ profession/job. I'll give you there are many instances where gov stepsin& assist with business
I can't argue..
but I still think the working class would be the first to donate to a crowd funding for cancer treatment for a stranger or to a natural disaster zone..but yes the state of our politics and social / class division is very tragic
Not just a campaign slogan with no guide page written. One grabbed from Sens Javits & Kennedy yrs ago, a handy slogan & a crafted sales pitch for enough gullible voters to give the electoral to Trump.
We'd have UHC
Lobbyists? Big pharma? Citizens United? Politicians?
Politicians, insurance providers and AMA lobbyists. I am an MD in Sweden and I earn a good salary, but 1/10 what I would earn as a doctor in the US.
It is 24 karat greed.
America is ruled by greed. And it will destroy itself from within.
And **they** do not care about everyone else.
Before HC i was insured for 7.95 guilders, that's 3,70 euro! Now i pay 147,- basic insurance (no packages). Total scam in the end.
We in Holland r by LAW obligated to get health insurance! And ever since this law came into effect. the prices went up more then 400% and the way you r insured is now not all incl. But in packages! And i can't afford ALL packages, so every year i GAMBLE on what might happen this year.
The ACA was the closest we got to UHC, but the Democrats allowed the Republicans and corporate vultures to pick it apart until it is the carcass we have today, and only mildly fought to improve it over the years.
We used to admire America, not any more.
I just wish you’d keep your filthy ideas & small minded men, under control.
Please don’t vacation here, you are now loathed.
Education will help I’m sure
The big 3 health insurance providers make several billion dollars of profit per quarter.
Not so ironically many of the con party members are balls deep with private medical and medical insurance companies trying to take over…
Me: dumba*s you’re already paying for other people’s healthcare with higher copays and the inflated prices of every service and item in US healthcare. 🤦♀️🤷♀️
Still sayin' it
Betty, the entire planet is *so* stupid.