North Dakota has rejected a resolution to ask the Supreme Court to overturn same-gender marriages. Yes, North Dakota.
The unofficial answer, a personal opinion, if you will, is that we are all in need of some very serious therapy.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
We have starving children
What would that do?
Isn't Obergfell pretty much moot thanks to the Respect for Marriage Act?
I would kind of like to live with my husband and there is no possibility of that unless spousal sponsorship is a thing
You know things have gone too far when Republicans are sick of it.
That and one of their gods, Peter Theil, is gay, married, with kids
Republicans built from the states up for decades to get where they are now.
I just hope it isn't too late.
LGB without the fucking TQWERTY
I'm from there but had to move away for my own sanity. Any of my queer friends who still remain there are "doing the good work" I've always said - Representation and normalization matters and changes minds!! 👏
Please keep us updated.
I got mad respect for my Lakota friends fighting to stay true to Native traditions and values. Show us the way!
Dumbass Donny Boy and the new Nazis will never be my path.
Noem can feed the maggots.
Perhaps the maga strategy is trying to get contradictory rulings in multiple circuits so the SCt will have to weigh in...?
State run baby manufacturing facilities are being suggested by Elon. The population can be under government control.”
Did not have that on my bingo card!