Meanwhile, back in the real world . . .
The publisher of "2000 Mules" withdrew the book from stores & pulped its inventory because the book if full of lies.
And the distributor of the video did likewise for the same reason.
Dinesh D'Souza is a conman, which is probably why Elon Musk likes him.
The publisher of "2000 Mules" withdrew the book from stores & pulped its inventory because the book if full of lies.
And the distributor of the video did likewise for the same reason.
Dinesh D'Souza is a conman, which is probably why Elon Musk likes him.
Nigerian scammers have nothing on Trump and his ilk
He thinks he is the end-all, be-all above all humans right now and that his word is law.
He needs to realize that's not the case.
It's just gross.
He really thinks that magats will love him if he spews racism, which is ironic because magats hate Indians. Just ask JD Vance.
And then pardoned by another felon...
Pity the poor abused Dark Lord.
They’ve been sued bc of their lies. it’s legal actions they’re entitled to take, not warfare. Warfare is people being killed. They use the term to make them seem punished unfairly. But they’re just being called to court to defend their actions.
Take it as gospel.