Meanwhile, back in the real world . . .

The publisher of "2000 Mules" withdrew the book from stores & pulped its inventory because the book if full of lies.

And the distributor of the video did likewise for the same reason.

Dinesh D'Souza is a conman, which is probably why Elon Musk likes him.
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Clarification: ...a fascist conman, which is probably why Elon likes him.
He’s also Rep Brandon Gill’s father-in-law
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Nailed it
Dinesh is just a bit misunderstood, is all....
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Elon is pumping up avowed liars while his car company is going down the drain. He'll be hit with a barrage of class action suits as the share price tanks.
Leave them alone!
Can’t stand up to criticism?
You also forgot that he's a confessed criminal. He did accept a presidential pardon for crimes he committed which, in order for a pardon to work you must accept your guilt.
Yeah . . . how does that work🤷🏼‍♀️
Funny thing....shortly after his pardon, he was in an interview and someone brought that up and he was clearly dumbfounded at the realization they were right
Convict D’Souza does know a bit about how to carry out election fraud, even if he’s incompetent for investigating it.
High on ketamine and drunk with power...
It’s why shitler likes him too…
Mrs. Betty - one question: “is there a REAL world anymore???”
Criminal Dinesh D'Souza.
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Found this on Facebook. Is it yours??
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Betty..where did you come from? LOL! I fucking love you! Don’t stop! 🙂
He’s clearly an Attention Wh*re. 🙄
America.....the land of the lie shamelessly
Land of the free...wheeling con artists!
can't be a con artist without shameless lying

Nigerian scammers have nothing on Trump and his ilk
The Ketamine King needs to be launched off to Mars. Tomorrow.
If you can't take criticism get out of politics.
Wingnuts complain about people protesting for pay and lawyers working for free.
Bird of a feather is quite true!
Most of the dumb shit Musk does can be easily understood if you just realize he's addicted to conspiracy theories.
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De Sousa is a convicted felon. Of course, Elon and all the Republicans love him.
And he still wont shut up!!
What a shithole Twitter is. A cesspool of Musk-led misinformation and hate.
I have no idea what this is all about. I wiped my Twitter account and deleted. What do I need to know? 😂
D’stort D’Newsa was not the “victim” of lawfare. He is a career liar who was held accountable. It doesn’t matter that Trump pardoned him, he will always be a liar.
The funny thing is that Leon thinks because he bought a President, he has some sort of power.
Wanna Be Fascist oligarch and Nutter con man openly scheming to prevent justice from taking place as our rule of law dictates. They’re counting on more spineless attorney firms folding. Nothing to see here. 🤦‍♀️
Amusing that they talk about people working "pro bono" as if it's something nefarious. The full term is "pro bono publico" -- for the public good, aka for free. I guess Trusk is upset that their legal strategy of financially ruining one's opponent is no longer an option.
Why does Elon think he can just dictate to the whole world?

He thinks he is the end-all, be-all above all humans right now and that his word is law.

He needs to realize that's not the case.
Anybody who uses the word “lawfare“ is automatically a fuckwit in my book.
Counterpoint: Elon needs to stop now
D’Souza is a pseudo-intellectual, whose artifice really only works on the knuckle-draggers.
MAGAs everywhere
From last year, regarding this convicted criminal and his lies:
This whole administration is made up of con men.
D'Souza fucked Ann Coulter. What do you expect?
Exactly! The possibly two worst people in the world put themselves in a position to create a third.

It's just gross.
They banned books, books they don't like, but here we have a clown boohooing because he has been basically subjected to what they have done to others.

Hey Elon, If the attorneys are doing it pro bono maybe it’s time to put on your thinking cap and ask why. Why would a lawyer especially after the last big White House memo be encouraged to do this for free? Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with our president dismantling our democracy.
Have any of you seen his YouTube videos?

He really thinks that magats will love him if he spews racism, which is ironic because magats hate Indians. Just ask JD Vance.
So, is Elon ever right about anything?
Honestly, it's shocking anyone was willing to publish it at all.
Someone who owed a debt to don the con, undoubtedly
I only have one pic of Dinesh D'Sozzle on my computer, and it's a mugshot......
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Also, trump & Elon like D’ Souza because he’s one of them- a mentally disordered psychopath.
and he needs to fall upon his sword. Now.
You don't say! It was like a Bible to the cult. Btw, who knew the cult reads...they usual just echo ignorance.
D'Souza is a bought and paid for clown - conman is giving him too much credit
Thank you, Betty, for calling it what it is.
Isn't it amazing that only fascist traitors support a convicted criminal like Dinesh D'Ouchebag?
But, but, they have “a army..."
Didn't Dinesh D'Souza get caught sexting little boys on the campaign trail in 2020? Or saw that Kash Patel?
Oh sheesh, I know it was one of the two of them. I posted multiple sources about it when it happened but my page got scrubbed recently. I did, however, find this.
There are so many MAGA grifters - it's hard to keep them straight!
Let me guess, next up on the Mad King’s EO list.
He's also a felon. Convicted of election fraud.

And then pardoned by another felon...
The fact that this army of lawyers is working pro bono gives it all away. This is a conspiracy of good people getting together and trying to do good things, to defeat evil. These lawyers would side with the hobbits and their woke puppetmaster, Gandalf.
Pity the poor abused Dark Lord.
Sell tesla.
People with no souls like to get together!
It’s not “law fare”. What does that even mean?

They’ve been sued bc of their lies. it’s legal actions they’re entitled to take, not warfare. Warfare is people being killed. They use the term to make them seem punished unfairly. But they’re just being called to court to defend their actions.
If Muskrat likes something, it’s likely not good for you & me.

Take it as gospel.
How badly do you have to screw up for 17 highly educated professionals to put down other pursuits and use their collective talents against you? For free? 2000 Mules bad.
😒Well, yeah . . . they all have something(s) in common. Manipulative, greedy crooks & liars!😡
I'm surprised he's not part of Trump's administration. They can always use another braying jackass
Elon issues orders meddling in private business and public policy from his ketamine encrusted Twitter throne and wonders why we don't like him. He's a real smart guy. 🙄
Encountered Dinesh when I was at Dartmouth. Even back, then he was a punk and a joke on campus.
There is no link to coverage of this?