The next time Florida tries to ban a book to "protect the children," remember that they want to change laws to make 14 year-old work overnight shifts.
They don't care about children, they just care about erasing women and all people who are LGBTQ or of color.
They don't care about children, they just care about erasing women and all people who are LGBTQ or of color.
What overnight shifts would a kid work? This is insane.
Then they had women start working and lowered wages for both.
Then it got to a point where both working can barely make ends meet.
Now they want the kids working too.
If he did he would not be making the same mistakes Daily.
Especially when the anniversary of this monumental disaster was yesterday!
Everyone knows 14-year-olds don’t need sleep.
Making themselves the appointed rulers, not the elected representatives of the people.
The overnight shifts for 14 yr olds specifically include all weekdays.
Historian Heather Cox Richardson reminds us today is the anniversary of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in NYC, killing 140.
Project 2025 and Child Labor
There's a lot of beneath-the-radar slavery going on in the US these days. The kind of changes they are suggesting will just make that kind of sweat shop work easier to pull off.
Tues. Apr. 1
Josh Weil is running in a special election in Florida for the seat vacated by bobble head Michael Waltz, Trump’s so-called National Security Advisor
Help send a message to the Trump Admin
Josh Weil (FL6)
Please don't bomb the EU, we have shopping centers like that too
Fxck DeScumtis and all Republicans.,commerce%20to%20regulate%20child%20labor.
Only minority population need apply. Including indigenous tribes.
Make America Antediluvian Again?
They will just start snatching up homeless ppl and make them work the fields
Or the Black folks
I think they think WE belong in the fields.
They just don't have the resources to hire attorney’s if they get swept up and flown to who knows where.
Great Again
Between 1890 and 1910, no less than 18 percent of all children ages 10‒15 worked.
Trump and Leon close down OSHA and Florida wants to send children into work the jobs that nobody else wants to do. The jobs immigrants did until they were rounded up and sent who knows where.
Kailash Satyarthi
Dumb teenagers entering the workforce.
Under the FFLSA, farm and seasonal workers are exempt from state and federal minimum wages. This law allows young workers under the age of 20 to be paid a special minimum wage of $4.25 per hour for the first 90 days of employment with any employer.
Move along, nothing to see here
Pennsylvania Coal Company
South Pittston, PA.
Also from the "kid's education is overrated" group of FL GOP.