The response was entirely positive, so let the Nazi Punch of the Day begin. It seems appropriate to start with a classic. This is from Captain America Comics #1. The cover date was March 1941, but from what I've read, it was on the shelves several months earlier.
#NPD #NaziPunching
#NPD #NaziPunching
#NPD #NaziPunching
From Detective Comics #78, published in August 1943.
#NPD #NaziPunching
From one news article, "Seattle Police said no one at the scene contacted officers to report the incident."
#NPD #NaziPunching
This Nazi Punch of the Day comes from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #64, published in January 1995. According to the comic, it's Hitler's encounter with the turtles that causes him to freak out and kill himself.
Thank you, Raphael!
#NPD #NaziPunching
(Over on Tumblr, it was pointed out that NPD refers to a mental illness, so I'm switching that tag to NPotD.)
#NaziPunching #NPotD
Fun fact: When asked what Indy would do about the "debate" over Nazi-punching, Ford said, "He’d push em out of the way to get in the first punch. As well he should."
#NPotD #NaziPunching