STILL experiencing Long Covid since having a 4/2020 mild-moderate case. I'm a senior & immuno-compromised. But I can tell you: Nearly everyone who called it "just a flu" isn't smart enough to connect their current health issues to (often many) infections / exposures. But that's anti-vaxxers for ya.
Even with my vaccinations and boosters I still got hit hard. Have tinnitus now in my right ear, I get congested way more often now, I get phlegm buildup in my lungs whenever I do get sick now, and I can no longer do strenuous activities. I'm only 35.
How long (years, at least, when autism is documented more regularly ) before antivaxxers and conspiracists claim that the future cases of autism are caused by vaccines rather than the disease itself?
To clarify, I meant when autism is more documented post-Covid as it relates to prenatal covid exposure, with antivaxxers claiming the covid vaccine *and/or* traditional vaccines are to blame, and not the exposure to covid itself.
They've been making this claim since the 1998 thanks to Andrew Wakefield who falsified his sources and info to claim the MMR, and by blanket all, vaccine caused autism. Not only was that paper removed but his medical license revoked for his lies, however...
...the lies and bullshit persist because of Jennifer McCarthy who promoted the paper and paraded it around as truth even well after it was all proven lies. Suburbanites ate that shit up because to them their children are perfect and anything to the contrary is an evil outside influence.
So it eventually spread to middle and lower class families who believed the lies as well, and yet none of them understand that autism is just a different way of thinking. People like us aren't broken or imperfect (newsflash, no one is perfect). It's all fear and hatred of things they can't control.
Autism is genetic - like having blonde hair, but infinitely more interesting.
#Tylenol is often used to relieve #Covid symptoms.
"New intake of Perth and Kinross primary ones who were babies during COVID pandemic have more additional support needs."
The thought that some people would rather see their babies die than see them “get” autism from vsccination is monstrous.
Like I don't get enough of that shit