The other thing about LGTQIA people, is that from an evolutionary perspective, belonging to that group means fewer offspring, and so if the phenotype was harmful, it should get genetically weeded out of the gene pool. The fact that it *doesn’t* means it serves a social purpose toward group survival.
This means if you deplete your society of LGTQIA people, your *group* has lower chances of survival relative to groups who embrace LGTQIA people. They are *necessary* for a successful society—not folk you can afford to marginalize or eradicate.
Giving names to differences (and things in general) helps us to understand them and to speak about them more efficiently! It can also help people find community instead of feeling like they’re the only person with a given difference.
Love it! If you decide to make it again next year, if you add the intersex flag symbol for us #intersex folks too, I bet the purple circle will look cute as the "outer edge" of the pie chart!
#QueerInSTEM #PolarPride