BREAKING: I just offered an amendment on the floor to give Veterans fired in the Trump-Musk layoffs their jobs back.
Every single Republican blocked it.
Shame on them for betraying our heroes.
Every single Republican blocked it.
Shame on them for betraying our heroes.
Judas, who cast the 30 silver pieces he received for betraying Jesus onto the temple floor, and then hung himself in shame.
Chuck must be Removed from leadership spot.
The Republicans will block all amendments.
Oh and by the way Tammy... how much in donations did you take from AIPAC?
oh wait I got that right here, so you can continue with covering for your buddies.
You’re not taking this seriously
#Resign #DINO
Stop with “shame”.
Do you not know with whom you are dealing?!?!
How many times must Lucy pull the football away?!?!
Don't let the bird fool you, it is for non-serving folks.
Love you, nothing but respect.
how do you shutdown DOGE
Can you bring Lawsuits
None of these DOGE people have even gone through Background checks
or their finances
or even sworn into Federal office
Do they get Federal employment checks ?
Who are they
domestic terrorists
Sue to shut down DOGE
What more could they possibly do?!
Respect to you and real talk here.
Schumer and Durbin gotta go.
We all know and you know it.
Let’s not waste another day on this.
Until then, nothing matters and there are no donations and primary opponents are popping up.
Durbin doesn’t respond. YOU DO!
I will help you in anyway I can. It really pisses me off that Vance had to say that how come all you protesters can be out here don’t you have jobs? What a sucker and a loser. YOU are the HERO!
Rich people don’t need more money. What a shit hole felon47 is preparing for us
"There but for the grace of God go I... "
Stop beating each other up and MAKE THE GOP OWN EVERYTHING.
Keep up the fire!
Do town halls in all
Of your districts!
If you let our voice be heard then it would help us
The anxiety and anger is so intense and we obviously do not have support from our other Senator.
We need to hear from yall this is infuriating.
We are losing our rights we need a plan of action
Cowards all.
Local Office #: (312) 886-3506
DC Office #: (202) 224-2854
Office Website:
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here:
Keep up the fight!
When will you be refunding your voters' campaign donations?
1-She is keeping us informed; 2-The repubs are now on record for denying assistance to our veterans.
I can’t wait to throw this in WV senators faces!, thank you!!!
If you're satisfied with the democrats, with Sen. Duckworth, so be it. The rest of us, we expect our leaders to step up and meet the moment!
But if you feel good, fine. Me? I've had enough pantomime.
Shame on all of them. Thank you for continuing to fight for us Senator!