FYI, the average US diet requires about 2 acres of agricultural land (cropland + pasture) per person per year. So for a family of 4, that would be about 8 acres.
Food production requires a lot of land. (It’s less if you eat more plants/fewer animal proteins than avg American, but it’s still a lot.)
Food production requires a lot of land. (It’s less if you eat more plants/fewer animal proteins than avg American, but it’s still a lot.)
Reposted from
Ann Aguirre
For the love of God, if I see one more ',grow your own food' hot take.
Sure, for occasional fresh herbs or a few veggies.
Nobody is growing to their entire caloric intake in an apartment or on a balcony.
Sure, for occasional fresh herbs or a few veggies.
Nobody is growing to their entire caloric intake in an apartment or on a balcony.
And, as history has shown, it’s a very risk strategy.
But our climate was an odd outlier for 4 legged agriculture. Records of the past visitors to Ireland remarked how so many 'peasants' had horses that British nobles could barely afford!
about her overhearing some young women gushing about canning and then telling the story of what it takes to can a winter's worth of food for a family in the midwest. amazing stuff.