Hate to bring Superman and Lois into this but like they make a compelling argument for why them being childhood friends would work even though they don't do it. Kinda like the superman 2000 guys would've done
Call me old fashioned but I prefer Lex living his life up until he became a millionaire industrialist and then it all changing when the man of tomorrow started making a scene on his turf
That is true. But I mean I just prefer Lex having a non eventful life with just being a rich, tech genius and then becoming obsessed with Superman once he entered the picture
Yeah you’re obviously free to prefer it, it definitely still works since the two are naturally at odds thematically, I think people just like the extra wrinkle the friendship adds
Tbf there’s a difference. In Smallville, Clark was a teenager and Lex was already an adult when they met. And there relationship was strained pretty quickly.
There was also the history between there parents.
Smallville could’ve gone very wrong with it, but they succeeded where most would fail.
There was also the history between there parents.
Smallville could’ve gone very wrong with it, but they succeeded where most would fail.