Question for the GMs, writers, and worldbuilders;
What large scale event which happened in your setting is a particular favorite of yours?
It could be something that occurred during game, or something in the world history, either way!
What large scale event which happened in your setting is a particular favorite of yours?
It could be something that occurred during game, or something in the world history, either way!
On the plane with mortals?
In 1935 Post-Schism, the skies suddenly cracked open and broke, revealing a kaleidoscopic mess of colors behind it. This marked the appearance of the New Deities, and the sky has never been the same.
Art by
New adventure time.
Basically, one of my players undid an entire key battle in the war they fought, and has accidentally made it that the Fire nation literally attacked and defeated most of the world.
They are constantly at odds with other fractions for being "unworthy of the light."
No matter the campaign, my players love fighting them.
He's a good man who always helped the poor & helpless, so he believed in his faith, but recently saw the truth of them.
I love complexity.
That's sick as hell.
A couple of centuries later, it's still floating there.
- that wizard
PCs witnessed their eventual ends in various timelines. Until they stopped the ishiken.
...but did they save the PCs lives?
It had to be that way.
The ishiken had fallen for one of the PCs and couldn't let them go.
The PCs understood and they willing sacrificed themselves to set things right.
The PCs awaken, preparing to set off on the initial mission that they were originally sent to contend with. Expect the mission target, the ishiken is not there, nor would the PCs have realized them missing.
Although, one PC recalled, at times, the boutique of a certain flower, but couldn't remember exactly what it meant and why they cried
it's paid off in spades already!