I don’t know where this rumor started, but the fact is—Elon Musk’s STARLINK DID NOT STEAL THE 2024 ELECTION for Donald Trump.
FACTS: Election officials, including those from multiple swing states, confirmed to AP that their voting equipment doesn’t use Starlink and isn’t connected to the internet.🧵
FACTS: Election officials, including those from multiple swing states, confirmed to AP that their voting equipment doesn’t use Starlink and isn’t connected to the internet.🧵
It wasn't a Starlink steal; we got our asses handed to us because we (once again) blindly believed bullshit polling and ignored the "protest voters" (who just made lives a lot worse for everyone).
There's work to do.
So they think he created an app to give him votes.
Thanks, Chris.
It's not the same at all. MAGA also did this previously with using a few Dems protesting the vote back in 2016.
other services could not. js
You don’t have to take AP’s word for it alone. I’m including several articles in this 🧵 for your review.
I went down the election conspiracy rabbit hole a few nights ago too, but we need to dispel the lies when we uncover them. Here’s the AP article.
Did you see a count of how many precincts used thumb drives to transfer voter data? I read ‘many.’
Check 5min-6min mark. No way North Carolina voted for Dems all down ballot but not Harris. What?!
My guess: SCOTUS gave Trump immunity, Elon figured justice moves slow. If Trump gets sworn in & then cheating is uncovered, Trump pardons Elon.
The numbers aren't possible + millions saying their ballot wasn't counted.
Just shows how similar all Americans are - they will believe the lies because they can't face the truth.
We need to get back to teaching critical thinking skills. Sure, it's nice to not think now & then, but come on. People have gone overboard.
This information was brought to you from Starlinks!
The best damn thing coming to a city near you!
Police, police dogs, Prisons cashiers, fast food workers, fruit pickers, etc, etc!
Our future!
SCARY AF people!
Dems don't fight back is something GOP factors into everything they do. Only recently w/ this new Congress have members started to clapback.
I don't DO weak!!!
This theory strikes me as something people say when they don’t understand technology and get scared by it.
The right when they get their way.
Many, right?..remember?
Also, we need to address Steven Spoonamore's theory on Spoutable. https://spoutible.com/thread/37794003