Let the backtracking begin. I knew they would do this. We all did. As soon as MAGA is confronted with facts they have to face regardless if they like it, they immediately start backtracking. "Oh well it wasn't that bad" "well that's not what we meant" "I didn't know", this time we might enjoy it.
Because it wasn't about the economy. It was racism and sexism. MAGA Republicans would rather destroy the world with unchecked global warming than vote for a woman.
but they won't admit this in public. the sad part is when the tariffs hit and destroy the economy dump will blame Biden and the MAGA fools will believe him
It's so depressing to read about voters who finally woke up after the election and wanted to change their votes, or became distressed when they realized the ACA was also known as Obamacare.
Many of us told them the facts over and over for two years. They refused to listen. Now it's too late.
It is time to stop treating these idiots like wayward teenagers. They were privy to ALL the information. Instead they chose propaganda and "owning the libs." Now, they will all get what they deserve.
This is my first time living in a dictatorship. So I'm hoping I'm prepared enough. But most of his supporters are going to be fucked. It is almost darwinian when you think about it...
It was never about the economy. It was racism, misogyny, transphobia and homophobia. The only demographic Trump won was uneducated white males. That’s all you need to know.
Inflation and a recession are coming, but it’s Biden’s fault. Also; Guaranteed that income taxes are going up for the Middle Class. Every year. Just like the last time Putin’s puppet was in office 🤬
The losers are a mess. They should've looked at their bank accounts and see how much they've been over spending on other crap all those frivolous things that they complain about that they're not getting. Too sad too bad you asked for this you got it. Four more years of BS You could've done better.
Popular Vote for President, 1964-2024
White Vote for President, 1964-2024
'64 '04 '24
What will it take the for voters who voted for Trump to realize their mistake? Will it be him silencing journalists/media for speaking the truth, unleashing the military on Americans protesting peacefully over social security, Medicare, healthcare benefits or refusing to ever leave the White House?
Well they are deluded . All that wasting money on infrastructure , health and education , when Trump could have used it to build golf courses & rent hookers was madness. Now we will have the rock solid certainly that only TV presenters & rapists can bring to the economy.
It's always been about the racism and hate. Now, they're about to reap what they've sown -- it really sucks that we have to reap what we NEVER sowed, right along with them.
Because they stopped beating people to death with political commercials saying the economy is doing bad. They're too easily manipulated. It's embarrassing.
Lovely. Just eff'n lovely.
Now, we are gonna have carloads of GOPer Goober CONGRESS members claiming success for the state of the economy, blatantly lying their asses off. You know, the ones that voted AGAINST Biden's measures, which in large part deliver "the bacon" to red districts. FFS.
That's what we'd been saying for months. It's like the press preferred to report on trump's hate rallies where he talked about Hannibal Lecter; groped microphones; lied constantly & stood in a comatose state as music was playing. Why bother reporting it now?
So many are in the cult of personality that I don’t even think they have any idea what’s going to happen. That will make it worse for them. At least we know and can prepare to an extent
Mass deportations will be so unmanageable that the deportees will be confined indefinitely to private prisons and leased out to work the farms, factories, and select hospitality (Trump properties). Profits will be tremendous.
Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about the independence of the Federal Reserve.
He will stick his "loyalist" at the head and that person will do whatever Trump wants him to do.
I usually like her, but that crap she was trying to pull was embarassing. "The Economy" my ass. It was just racism. But pointing that out would hurt their viewership or leadership for that matter. If it was "The Economy" why did none of those numbskulls look up "tariffs" before the election.
I'm guessing every media person has become the "Trump Whisperer." The word salad and his uncanny ability to push people's buttons means he becomes a "cipher." Anything people want to believe about him *becomes* true, because they believe it. The word salad means people can make their own meaning up.
And the wildest shit, is that he spent weeks blabbing about "tariffs" in his stump speeches. People where baying for blood because they thought "China is going to pay for it." Just like Mexico and the wall. He literally TOLD people he was going to cause inflation and hurt the economy to their faces!
He will definitely redo the Tax Cuts and Jobs act, we can expect to have more tax cuts for rich folks. Guess all that added revenue the government will collect from the sales taxes that tariffs are, will be financed by the rest of us... and they will blame "bloated government" for spending cuts. lol
This is what I've been saying for years. And trump will actually say both things so people hear what they want to hear. And the rest of the time, he just babbles, strings together meaningless words and people fill in the blanks.
Yes them two but , the others all shams I feel they got sucked into this vortex and never came back… but Mika and Joe .., I’m sooooo disappointed in because that’s the most popular show … fuck MSNBC
I'm appalled watching her show treat trump like he's even gonna THINK about doing anything for anyone economically for anyone but billionaires. He's not because he doesn't need MAGAts' votes anymore. He and his buddies are all about stuffing money in their pockets and nothing else.
I'm think that this take is the right one. 90 days from now Fox and the right wing echo chamber (with no resistance from the legacy press) will be touting Tr**p's great economy and saying "we told you so!".
Amazing how effective MAGA media propaganda was to convince the Republican leaning masses that everything was so horrible and it was all Joe’s fault, oh scratch the Kamala’s fault. Evil teaches hate.
Kind of like when they thought he was actually going to remove ACA. GOP suddenly 'liked' Obamacare. Maybe Musk's proclamation to destroy the economy, take away benefits, cause 'severe pain', reduce jobs, and all that bad stuff is suddenly sinking in.
They can fuck all the way off with that shit now….OOOWEEEE these tariffs are gonna be swell, literally 😅🤷 these returds fucked around and trump is about to make us all find out. Thanks folks 👍😡
Republicans really are the worst that humanity has to offer! A simple google search could have told them this at any time over the last year. NOW they realize what's been obvious to the rest of us? They will pay for their deliberate stupidity - along with people who don't deserve it unfortunately.
I have always said they are self sabotaging people. They like to have a reason to be upset and complain. It just sucks for the rest of us. Those in Southern states will suffer the most.
It's funny how the economy suddenly seems strong when the party is on their side. Once again, The Orange Tang will be handed a great economy from the hard work of the Democrats. Chance are high, the man will destroy it.
Seems when prices are high and people are struggling, it is Joe Biden's responsibility to lower costs on everything from eggs to gas to Lego. It is *never* on individuals to moderate their spending or make different choices, no! We should always have everything and never have to choose or change.
Mmmm, not what I was saying. I can make George Washington scream in pain before I spend my last dollar. I’ve always had to stretch pennies and I think it’s wise to do so, and make wise choices. Never had everything & don’t expect to.
Of course, responsible people will stretch budgets to the limit to max value. I learnt it from my mom. That said, it feels an outmoded idea now: people don't seem willing to make those efforts, and too many seem to believe they should not have to.
I see, and I agree in that respect. I also apologize for being a bit quick to jump-been on pins and needles for a couple of weeks now. Nice to meet you.
I invested in some stocks in the EU and the rest I beefed up my Canadian positions. I think things will be rocky outside the US for awhile, but also think we will survive it much better.
I had many conversations (well as much as you can converse with maga) about tariffs and how they would not be good for us. They just would not listen. I was called many names and told I was stupid and didn't know how things really work. There's not much you can do with that.
Stupid Americans will learn the hard way. It's too bad the other half of us will have to suffer because of these amazing clusterfucks. Cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
Isn’t this optimism because they think their savior is coming into office? I would love to use this as ammo, but it doesn’t seem like I can prove that any economic improvements have happened. Or that they think the economy has improved. Are they actually saying that?
It’s baffling, isn’t it? They were bitching about the economy just weeks ago and now they’re acting like the mere whiff of a Trump presidency has turned everything around. They’re such idiotic phonies, the lot of them.
Just wait, they ain’t seen nuthin yet. I mean with Elmo in charge of govt efficiency, and the Brownshirts deporting all the migrant workers, and the rest of the clown car full of bad actors, we’re in for a cyclone bomb of 💩.
Musk told them the economy was going to tank for a while under trump's reign. The cult will never turn on maga. I guess this is the confession from non-cult repubs that it really was about misogyny, racism, bigotry, selfishness, idiocy.
It's time to pay the piper.
Pay with the lives and fertility of their wives and daughters!
Pay with the lives of their hardest working neighbors!
Pay with the pain of their broken bodies and no healthcare!
Pay with shame for their uneducated, sick children!
Pay with their last breath of filthy air!
If we get a few more we might be able to make our own coven! 🤣
Do we really have to do this?
Many of us told them the facts over and over for two years. They refused to listen. Now it's too late.
I just wish we could make the pain & suffering that Elon promised be tied to voting records.
It's not the economy, st****.
Popular Vote for President, 1964-2024
White Vote for President, 1964-2024
'64 '04 '24
The margin of victory in the popular vote is down to 1.6%.
Popular Vote Margin of Victory
2024 Donald Trump | | 1.60%🔴
2020 Joe Biden |||| |4.45%🔵
2016 Hillary Clinton | |2.00%🔵
2012 Barack Obama ||| |3.70%🔵
2008 Barack Obama||||| |7.20%🔵
It's always been about the racism and hate. Now, they're about to reap what they've sown -- it really sucks that we have to reap what we NEVER sowed, right along with them.
Now, we are gonna have carloads of GOPer Goober CONGRESS members claiming success for the state of the economy, blatantly lying their asses off. You know, the ones that voted AGAINST Biden's measures, which in large part deliver "the bacon" to red districts. FFS.
Wait until there is no labor force for all the menial jobs.
Trump will force the federal interest rates to drop dramatically, so there will be a bump from that, but that is inflationary in the long run.
He will stick his "loyalist" at the head and that person will do whatever Trump wants him to do.
I was pissed at Ari Melber yesterday because he said you can understand what trump's saying. What? NO! It's word salad!
EconomicTrain wreck
There is no way people are this naive
Why are men betting on every fucking thing in sports but oh my fucking god, eggs!!!
They just changed their minds? 🙄
2020? I guess January and February were pretty ok but...smh
Of course, responsible people will stretch budgets to the limit to max value. I learnt it from my mom. That said, it feels an outmoded idea now: people don't seem willing to make those efforts, and too many seem to believe they should not have to.
I’m shocked 😳
Ah fuck it.
Pay with the lives and fertility of their wives and daughters!
Pay with the lives of their hardest working neighbors!
Pay with the pain of their broken bodies and no healthcare!
Pay with shame for their uneducated, sick children!
Pay with their last breath of filthy air!