A third woman died under Texas’ abortion ban. Doctors are avoiding D&Cs and using riskier miscarriage treatments to avoid fines or losing their licenses.
A third woman died under Texas’ abortion ban. Doctors are avoiding D&Cs and using riskier miscarriage treatments to avoid fines or losing their licenses.
They can't make essential healthcare illegal and do nothing about children dying from shooting massacres in school and still call themselves Pro-Life.
‘Do no harm’ seems to be erased.
Every god damned person should watch that segment!
Those who voted for 45 seem happy. I am sure they're not going to care she died, because this woman was black.
Again, this is not about the price of eggs or young men feeling displaced. This was all about not voting for a black woman. Despicable
Xx, by me.
Does anyone know if doctors are avoiding D&C for non-pregnant people? Ive never been pregnant but had to have 2 due to a 10month long haemorrhage due to PCOS/Adenomyosis. It saved me from bleeding to death.
It’s never been about life, only about control.
The GOP is a death cult.
Protect your patients from the state
-Republicans, probably
It’s not their mom, wife, sister, niece, cousin, or auntie who died.
How did we miss this crap????
“Dead women? We’re good with that.”
This is institutionalized murder of women.
The state of Georgia recently fired the entire Maternal Mortality Review Board.