Friends with fascists, terrorists, and racists? I think not.
No relationships with MAGA or GOP voters.
They are complicit in electing a felon.
Help us stop the RUMP PRESIDENCY!!
Text: SIGN PYQWKA to 50409 send to Pres. & Congress.
Text: SIGN PUIEWA to 50409 For State.
REQUESTS: To Verify the 2024 Election Results and Demand proper Vetting for all Rump Officials!
marginalized communities to try to make peace with the oppressors.
They aren't a part of that establishment.
This is poor people - voting for more poverty. Sick people - voting to have their medicine taken.
Human rights is up to interpretation with the leaders.
I am not interested in "discussing" my existence nor am I interested in "compromise". A compromise is getting a pizza half/half one topping or another. A compromise is agreeing to a place for vacation.
Not rights.
(That bit about me being civil to them is a lie. I will be cross.)
I value equality, healthcare, a woman's choice, and opportunity for all. In a leader, I value dignity. I cannot cozy up to people who promote abhorrent ideologies.
Will you renounce Satan and all of his works?
And that's a bridge I have no interest in building, crossing, or have any interest in feeding the trolls under it.
Yes, the Bible says judge not, that was a warning about hypocrisy, not discernment.
The US isn't even offering any socialist safety nets.
The promise of Fascism gives NOTHING to a normal person in the US.
It isn't an angle.
It is NOT a legitimate point of view.
About human rights?
Yeah...I don't think so.
Fuck them, no forgiveness.
if you haven't cut maga voters out of your life, you are still part of the problem.
Btw, he’s already screwing over the people who voted for him. He’d step over you in the street.