Hegseth: “our present moment is much like the 11th Century. We don’t want to fight, but, like our fellow Christians one thousand years ago, we must. Arm yourself—metaphorically, intellectually, physically. Our fight is not with guns. Yet.”
(2 of 2)
Hegseth: “our present moment is much like the 11th Century. We don’t want to fight, but, like our fellow Christians one thousand years ago, we must. Arm yourself—metaphorically, intellectually, physically. Our fight is not with guns. Yet.”
(2 of 2)
Like, MAYBE you could make the (however flimsy) case that the others weren't white nationalist ink, but there's no dodging the connection between 88 and neoNazis.
Certainly doesn't let him off the hook. White supremacists, for all their false swagger, sure love their dog whistles and plausible deniability.
Please don’t ignore these findings.
No, Hegseth would crucify him.
The answer is work local bc that's what they did, from dog catcher on up... and pray we clean house in 2026.
At which point, France and GB doubled down-
The Crusades failed to retake Jerusalem for a long time and were generally considered failures.
The Crusades caused massive death tolls
The Crusades were violent and bloody, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of people on both sides.
His ancestors must cringe that he bears their name.
Christian Nationalism is the American Taliban.
The cluelessness in trying to revive such zealotry people would kill over their religious beliefs is barbaric, yet they do it in Jesus’s name?
Let those without sin cast the first stone…