A 15 year old girl isn’t safe in a K-12 Christian school. I’ll bet once the details come out, we will find out why she went on a shooting rampage and it will have something to do with the men and boys getting away with sexual assault.
Hummmm, religious school??
And a girl?
Well, I think we’ve shown women & girls pretty damn clearly that we just don’t care about them
I hope this is not a case of her seeking “retribution” in the only way teen age girls can today
And I doubly hope this is not the start of a trend
Notice how a couple of these shootings have been trans kids? Wonder why since it never happened before? Because these kids are now a right wing propaganda tool that is being used as a culture war. The ensuing hate and bullying is leading to this happening. Instead the right says we created this.
So sad, it seems the profile is no longer just a white male. Now it’s just white and has access to a gun. My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims, the whole community actually.
Any non-profit or tax-exempt entity, especially the NRA, should not be allowed to donate to politicians. Also, why the fuck are they tax exempt? One child's life is worth more than all of the guns in America.
Shocking I know but What difference does it make, control the guns reduce these types of crimes. The majority of the world managed it. Yet USA can't seem to grasp this very basic concept.
I’m wondering if there was a backstory. It seems as though she might have had a specific victim in mind rather than a shoot ‘em up scenario where anyone she saw was shot.
Dumb kid that was raised by social media instead of loving, caring parents and allowed stranger's radical ideologies to brainwash her. It has been the same with every other shooting in the past few years. The problem isn't the guns, it is the mentally ill people carrying them.
Wait till you hear about her manifesto....
It shows how hate is a learned behavior... hate this deep comes from hateful people, who taught her to hate.
Let’s not overreact by changing anything at all in our society that will make it more difficult to access and carry firearms. That would be like totally liberal and politicizing at a time when America needs to do fuck all about gun violence
MAGA thinks they need guns to protect themselves against a “tyrannical government” that is taking away their “rights”, whatever those are. They’re willing to let kids die over this.
I saw a news report that said she hated men? She didn’t discriminate between babies and the elderly, if they were male, she hated them. But it also said she had a boyfriend. Idk what to believe.
Girls are in crisis. CDC survey: 30% of teen girls seriously considered suicide in the past year, up almost 60% from 2013. Almost 20% of girls reported experiencing rape or other sexual violence in the last year. You read that right. Just in the last year.
@realdonaldjtrump47.bsky.social sends this message to his followers
Of alpha MAGA
The character of a man can be found in the company he keeps
P Diddy knows
Is that a first? The shooter being a girl?
Wondering if she was abused sexually? In a Christian school it wouldn’t surprise me… sorry to be so negative, but when it comes to organized religion… 🤨😖 🙄
Tragic. People need to take stock of the fact that sooner than later, someone who knows exactly what they're doing and how to do it is going to carry something like this out. How does it get more terrifying
That's the other thing yall fail to understand. Just because your fuckin sundown town 75 population school was alright... doesn't mean the rest of the country was dipp diddly doodle good times.
Hey that's not fair. It was an urban Jr. High/High in Milwaukee. I was bullied for being "Teacher's Pet" and graduated early b/c I couldn't stand it anymore so not a paradise.
The one thing we DIDN'T fear was getting shot in school, that's all I'm saying.
Wow. Wow Wow Wow. Have we reached the point of gun saturation that the next mass killing (next week?) will be by a grandma who was pissed because someone else got the last skein of red wool at Michaels?
We have no idea how the culture of bullying,strong-arming & hate will manifest in this generation after experiencing a steady & more vocal stream of racist,sexist and hateful speech & actions over the last decade.These kids will be leading the country someday. That is if the earth lets us live here.
Guns over lives and CEO pay over medical benefits.
Children are NOT a priority inn this country. Until there are safety mechanisms and accountability in place for gun owners, sadly our children will continue to pay the price.
B4 mass shootings became common, Brenda Spencer, who was classmate of mine, shot up elementary school across street from her house. Her dad gave her the rifle. She killed principal & custodian & wounded some kids. It was so shocking at the time, 1979. Solution is out there, not political will.
Well, when parents glorify guns and allow children access to them, this is what happens. While it is less common for females to resort to violence, they are not immune.
We are all affected … both parents having to work longer hour and leaving the kids with sitters or to care for themselves … the emotional disconnection is mentally devastating 😔
Nothing whatsoever will change, if Sandy Hook couldn't wake up the entire country NOTHING WILL. Half of the American government don't care and thoughts and prayers will be sent as a fcuk finger to the affected victims and communities.
Will the post mortem show the perpetrator was pregnant, one of the deceased was the father, and the other dead & injured were collateral damage? "Christian" with real world problems.
And from the alleged manifesto floating around, just another mentally ill, racist, white trash conservative. I'm already hearing people say she was a "radical feminist." Nothing in the alleged manifesto suggested that at all.
She did drop the N word and ranted about interracial relationships...
Since 1982 there have been 145 mass shootings committed by males and 4 by females.
The best known of the latter would be Brenda Spencer about whom the Boomtown Rats singer Bob Geldof wrote “I Don’t Like Mondays”. All those thoughts and prayers sure made a big difference
Let’s be clear.
A 15yo white female …
If a melanated human did this act, the headline : A 15yo black/Arab/ Mexican male.
Trust me the new regime will ensure that’s the headlines.
Unfortunately I would like to say that this doesn't surprise me. I am a teacher in Virginia. There was a 6th grade girl who came to school with a handgun in her backpack and a hitlist. Luckily she bragged to her friend who went and told a counselor about the girl with the gun. Very scarey.
Guess the crazy is spreading. What next? Infants killing their nanny's. This has got to stop. Where are the politicians we voted for? playing footsies with the gun makers and the NRA and save our kids before end of bloodlines are met. The world as we know it dies out. Kids are the future.
I am sensitive about the issue. It affects me personally. I assure you, that I am a supporter of the things you are too. I'm glad your intention wasn't to offend. I hope this doesn't provide an excuse to hate. This story is not about transgender people.
Sorry to disappoint you, Karen. Transgender children are victims of violence, not perpetrators of it. Adults, too. We're just trying to live. Here's an example of what the transgender school experience looks like:
Pointing a gun in the general direction of a structure whether you’ve verified someone is in it or not is not typically a good idea…maybe I was taught differently.
Apparently you want your gun handy even if it means your lunatic kid has access. The killing continues unabated. The only people coming for your guns are your kids.
What a tragedy. So much for the argument that the reason there are mass shootings in schools is because we removed prayer. Maybe now, rather than thoughts and prayers, we will get gun control? Nah, that ain't going to happen.
One of my granddaughters is 15 and we have a pretty good relationship. She is honest with me with what’s going on at school and her life. I can’t even imagine what anguish a young woman could have inside of her to kill another person. It’s unimaginable.
The Right is deeply passionate about gun control. Look at all the crying over Hunter Biden’s pardon on a weapons under disabilities.
The GOP should be all
Over this right? People actually got killed here because someone broke the law. I’m sure they will come out strong for change don’t you Chris? 😉
How unusual. Sadly, we are teaching our children that every emotion should be dealt with by pulling a trigger. Then we ask what's wrong with them. We are pathetic.
We may not be teaching them per se, we are allowing them easy access to weapons. It’s what we are not teaching -recognizing your feelings, allowing space for impulses to subside. I’m a therapist. I wrote this for my students to give to their parents.
The maga crowd are no heroes themselves! They are just ignorant people full of hate! So they “admire” someone acting out on that hatred, that still doesn’t make that person a hero. Still a POS but with a gun.
Meanwhile our GOP just stands there looking like a clown without a circus. This is where all that tough guy crap gets ya! 15 year old is soooo angry, confused and psychotic she determines her life is haunted by those who reside in a religious ideology far removed from the teaching of Jesus Christ.
You know not ever saying it's ever right in Norway shape or form but it makes you wonder how bad it was for this girl to make her snap like that? Now I was picked on beaten spit on and called names. I'm wondering if that's what happened here? God bless those we need guns gone from kids!
My OB/GYN professor in Medical school started the year-long class with these words: Pregnancy is a pathological condition. He was right then and those words are becoming truer by the day.
Capable of causing death, debility, or lasting disease. Obstetrics textbooks make for some frightening reading. It’s why I am so opposed to these abortion bans enacted to control women’s bodies.
Have to wonder how much of a factor was Nancy Mace on that kids mental outlook. And I think strange that two schools in a year have this problem. Are private schools trying to retire kids? Has to be asked. Michelle Bachman back in the pysch business?
That right there! Remember how awful bullying was when we were young, rumors and gossip spread like wildfire on social media. It’s such a tool for harassment. Now the POTUS elect is the biggest bully that exists with everyone around him glorifying hate and guns. Awful.
Some are saying she is trans even though the police said “I don’t see how the suspect’s gender identity is relevant”. And considering she goes to a Christian school she’s probably cis
Where did she get the gun? Prosecute that. If the sentence is too low or not on the books change that. Repeat every day until it’s passed and demand NRA directly answer why not. This is how they got rid of gun safety laws, one at a time. We have to change how we talk about it. “Guns” is too broad.
Her photo? I assume that’s a typo- father? Then where did he store the gun? How did she have her hands on it?
She should not have possession of that gun BY ENFORCED LAW. Prosecute him. If no law start there, sloganize that (ex: “lock them up”) and repeat until they get it.
yeah wow don't know what happened there, so her father bought her the gun as a gift on their FB page they go to the gun range all the time and the morning of the shooting they were there. The family is gun nuts.
Apparently, a female shooter is unusual. My immediate thought was..." I wonder if she had been sexually abused at the school."
Not saying that would be the only reason or that it is the reason. It's just what came to me immediately.
Natalie Rupnow was seen wearing the same KMFDM shirt as Eric Harris from Columbine. She attended a private alternative school filled with high needs teens.
Yes, the christian school told the NYT many teens didn't fit in other schools or they were bullied. In public schools, they are called alternative schools.
It's predictable that violence has infected "christian" girls as well. We have become a country of violent "christian" men and "your body, my choice". 🙄
Well never know the truth yt Christians cover up "secrets" even if the parents or school know "why", they will never speak the truth, religion relies on lies.
All schools should be progressive schools, providing easy access to counselors, nurses, & small classes where each student is known and provided with resources they need.
Religious instruction, rules, & parents who can pay for private school do not ensure that students have the support they need.
Gun control and requiring all guns be secured and away from all children/students must be part of the solution, of course, but I believe that the mental & emotional health of all students must be a priority of all schools because our society is clearly not well and not caring for vulnerable people.
I strongly believe that we would have gun regs if more women than men were mass shooters and killers of any kind (like shooting their husband at the same rate of men killing their wives)
Every school, public and private, should be required to have a licensed psychologist on staff. Misbehaving children should be sent to a psychologist, not the principal.
If only the 10 Commandments would’ve been hanging on the wall in this Christian school, this would have never happened? OK did I just wake up from a nap or is this real shit happening?
The shear number of guns in America makes it very unsurprising to me. Incredibly sad, but corporate profit is the only thing that matters in unregulated capitalism.
Killing kids is killing democracy.
I’m not surprised it was a girl.The way young women are treated in this country. Especially in a “Christian” environment. Rage among women is on the rise and we will only take so much.
Notice that during the clip they said that the shooter “went by Samantha”….why would they have to include that, unless they are trying to stir up the narrative??? Whether she was trans or not is NOT the story here…it is that she was able to get her hands on a damn gun!!
These teens share a commonality of mental stability issues and the parents know it. It is inconceivable to me that parents would allow or be lax in allowing access to firearms in the home.
Are the CEOs outraged at this & demanding something be done? Are they going in their pocket & helping to increase awareness & stop these school shootings? Nah, they are just sitting in their shareholder meetings whining about what can be done to protect themselves & wondering why they are so hated.
This is one thing I will never understand about America, it’s the fascination with guns. The pictures I’ve seen of, usually blokes, in a McDonald’s tooled up as if they are on a battlefield. Sick, sick, sick.
And a girl?
Well, I think we’ve shown women & girls pretty damn clearly that we just don’t care about them
I hope this is not a case of her seeking “retribution” in the only way teen age girls can today
And I doubly hope this is not the start of a trend
What’s equally shocking is that a 2 year old called 911
Well, surprise surprise! Sweet little white girls do it too.
Anything to say?
It shows how hate is a learned behavior... hate this deep comes from hateful people, who taught her to hate.
Fuck guns.
"Lauren Boebert allows 8-year-old to play alone, next to possibly-loaded firearm
8-year-old son of Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., can be seen left alone in a room a few feet away from a high-capacity rifle"
I don't like Mondays
The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload
And nobody's gonna go to school today
She's gonna make them stay at home
And daddy doesn't understand it
He always said she was good as gold
And he can see no reasons...
Of alpha MAGA
The character of a man can be found in the company he keeps
P Diddy knows
Wondering if she was abused sexually? In a Christian school it wouldn’t surprise me… sorry to be so negative, but when it comes to organized religion… 🤨😖 🙄
I immediately wondered what had happened to her to make her resort to violence.
So agree, she must be a victim of some abuse… makes me so sad
that it came down to her violently reacting… 😢😢
The one thing we DIDN'T fear was getting shot in school, that's all I'm saying.
Must be scary now that straight white people are in danger 🙄
Or a drag queen
Women everywhere are overjoyed seeing a convicted geriatric rapist President and a cabinet full of oligarch predators. What a great time to be alive!!
Point of interest:
Covenant shooter (trans)
Wis shooter (girl)
Both were "conservative Christian schools"
"Over a 11 year period out of 544 school shooting incident occurred, had 5% female shooter.
Oh, you know it's coming.
Guns over lives and CEO pay over medical benefits.
Children are NOT a priority inn this country. Until there are safety mechanisms and accountability in place for gun owners, sadly our children will continue to pay the price.
The Universe doing it’s Fire Marshal Bill impersonation: “Let me show you suthin”
Brenda Ann Spencer ("I Don't Like Mondays") was 16.
😔 RIP to the victims ❤️🙏🏼 for the survivors and families
She did drop the N word and ranted about interracial relationships...
Fuck the ammosexuals.
The best known of the latter would be Brenda Spencer about whom the Boomtown Rats singer Bob Geldof wrote “I Don’t Like Mondays”. All those thoughts and prayers sure made a big difference
Is that not the trend anymore?
Are you celebrating innocent lives taken by guns, or not?
A 15yo white female …
If a melanated human did this act, the headline : A 15yo black/Arab/ Mexican male.
Trust me the new regime will ensure that’s the headlines.
Republicans: what’s the big deal?
We are not the same.
oh, did they mention guns were involved? Like "this shooting brought to you by Cabelas"..?
Girls have functional trigger-fingers too.
So many reasons to not have access to a gun.
Remember that when the M$M disappears that this happened in a supposedly totally Jesus-safe Christian school.
The GOP should be all
Over this right? People actually got killed here because someone broke the law. I’m sure they will come out strong for change don’t you Chris? 😉
They revere this POS.
Add our rape culture, most recently highlighted with "your body my choice" to the mix and what can you expect?
We're seeing again and again peaceful resistance doing nothing.
Men cannot fathom being trapped and used like this. They cannot imagine being forcibly impregnated, give birth, and all the risks involved.
Bullying via social media soaring.
Mental health availability dwindling.
Welcome to America.
We had a parent show up to school pickup with a gun on the passenger seat.
I simply cannot wrap my head around a culture which does not prioritize its children.
We don't believe these type of guns should be in schools by 15 year olds.
No shit!!!
They’ve been told that they are second class citizens without body autonomy.
Be ready for female anger when an adjudicated rapist becomes our president.
She should not have possession of that gun BY ENFORCED LAW. Prosecute him. If no law start there, sloganize that (ex: “lock them up”) and repeat until they get it.
Not saying that would be the only reason or that it is the reason. It's just what came to me immediately.
Religious instruction, rules, & parents who can pay for private school do not ensure that students have the support they need.
Killing kids is killing democracy.
Nice “Christian” values.
Loving your children and caring about them when they struggle is proof of “bad parenting” because “good people” don’t have these problems.
Assault weapons are for war........not for murdering our children.