Starts NOW - through the 14th. Don’t touch Amazon or anything Jeff Bezos owns.
Starts NOW - through the 14th. Don’t touch Amazon or anything Jeff Bezos owns.
I often get a book through ILL and decide if I want a copy or not.
I was the ILL borrower in a research library many years ago. The university was so tradition bound, they wouldn't buy many computers. I did some searching online, but I had to find the location of a book in library catalogs which were on microfiche or microfilm - horrors!
I was so annoyed watching it & having ads pop up, since I still have Prime (won’t login to cancel during the boycott).
Would love to learn to pirate, since owning things means I don’t own them, guess pirating isn’t stealing.
I get it, sometimes there’s no other option, and ok, then we deign to buy from them. But if we can find it somewhere else, somewhere *better* let’s not set a time limit. Let’s make it permanent!
Haven’t shopped at any of them since 2017.
Pretty easy if you live in a city
I started at midnight.
For books online, Thriftbooks.
Libby app for audiobooks.
Small sellers on etsy and ebay.
Search engine for everything else.
Saving my $$ and not spending a dime unless for necessities.. dont know what our future holds
Several will lose their job if the losses are significant enough. We have to be willing to bite that bullet.
Companies will fire people before they admit they were wrong about something.
https://Beavermade.com. 🇨🇦 app
Great apps to check out what is 🇨🇦. Boycott 🇺🇸 products
(junk) I was buying. 😳
Cancel and redirect our spending. Organize and spread the word.
Collective action is our only hope at this point.
I keep running lists of Movies to Watch, Food to Try, Birthday Present Ideas, Christmas Needs, Back to School Needs, and so on. When it’s time, I get the items elsewhere.
90 days Amazon-free and counting.
Now it’s a hot mess.
I last bought anything on Amazon in mid-2023 and don’t miss it a bit.
It’s the pathologically rich sociopath owner club.
He owns WAPO too so cancel that.
I never thought about the thing about going through the labor supply. Very interesting indeed.
The poor are generous.
The pathologically, freakishly rich can NEVER have enough.
And the middle are for sale.
But it did not take them long to put small stores out of business. Now they pay their drivers crap
Suggested by someone here
Peace and good luck to us all
This is how democracies die.
Who definitely needs to be fucked with …
The Party of The Workers 😂🤣😂. And if people get laid off because of these awesome boycotts? Way to F those you allegedly champion 🙄
Drop all non-essential expenditures.
Prepare for emergency sheltering in place for a minimum of 2 weeks, due to reckless cuts of Fema, etc., potential gov shutdown, https://generalstrikeus.com , etc.
Actually, I won't buy anymore from Amazon.
Don't feed the oligarchs who control the evil political machine to enrich themselves at the expense of citizens.
Support local business!
-Protester in Iceland
Thanks a TON!
We should all include Washing Post as well
Huge numbers of websites and apps are built on AWS, which means all those companies are paying Amazon every month.
It’s huge money as well. Millions of dollars a year for the bigger companies.
Do your due diligence before buying local.
Just trying not to buy much of anything these days.
I absolutely agree in a political purge. I’m not able to protest or march however I can write checks to worthy candidates.
Permanently boycotting Amazon and MAGA minded companies is empowering!
By shopping ethically we keep our brains flexible and discerning. Plus, it feels good to be part of the solution!
Unplug from the matrix. Think, choose wisely and continue to #Resist!