This isn’t about shifting left or right. It’s about making sure Democrats listen to the people they serve and function as a winning political machine.
Check out this starter pack to give us a follow and join us in this movement.
This isn’t about shifting left or right. It’s about making sure Democrats listen to the people they serve and function as a winning political machine.
Check out this starter pack to give us a follow and join us in this movement.
The UK’s MAGA franchise is called Reform.
It’s gonna get so confusing.
It's not a political party, it's a grassroots movement. It's about reforming the Democratic party.
We are the Reformers!
Join us!
(Why did Rand Paul vote against the CR? Trump wanted gov’t closed?🤔)
(And proud to already be following every one. 💪🏼)
Secret police pulled his nextdoor neighbor/best friend's dad out of his home & put 3 bullets in his head. How soon before it happens here?
We're in an emergency. Let's help Dems see it.
It's obvious the message has to be the rich are destroying everyone else EVERYONE not republican not democrat. The rich are the problem.
Sharing his approval ratings (terrible), the Dem party approval ratings (terrible), videos of his tv appearances (Chris Hayes was a DISASTER) access circulating that stuff will do more to get it on from of more people.
Ask for the assistance you need and the community here will respond. So many true Democrats have been waiting for this!
The Reformers is the perfect descriptive name for the group.
Signing up the receive info next. 💙🦋💙
"Page not found"
"That starter pack could not be found".
If I connect with it, I'll follow anyone I'm not already following.
It's time to fight for a change ...
#OutOfTouch 😮💨
"until one candidate receives the votes of the majority of Conference Members present and voting, at which point such candidate shall be declared elected."
The last thing Putin needs to divide in order to defeat the United States is
Democrats ‼️
I said what I said.
We have a great party. We need to move and encourage and motivate the next generation 🔥✊🇺🇸
There are a lot of great leaders ready to take the helm and the elders (politicians) should step aside
Need a solution, not doing the same over and over.
It is about left and right.
It is about opposition to the rightist dream of fascism,
Right wing ideas always lead to fascism
But I am also hopeful to see BNMW Dems waking up
Can you point to something inward and say, "This, THIS, is my guiding star, my unwavering principle."?
trump back in 2015 when he started stumping & I wasn’t convinced then. I voted for Hillary. I am worried for my child & grandchildren’s future. Maybe the dumb people have learned a lesson
Now is 249 years..and #PlayingDead is transformed to official #Democratic strategy
Ignoring daily growing #FascistPower
We have not time and energy reforming dead party
Time for #Unity across political spectrum-build #Civic forum & active #Resistance ✌️
The country just went right. What makes you think going further left than Dems already are is a winning strategy? Is this just your thought or do you have data to support this?
There's enough in that series of posts to prove my statement tenfold; and launch a thousand theses.
Your mind is not as open as you believe, that's the problem.
Cheerleaders for the duopoly have gotten us into this mess.
This agenda is always disparaged as 'Left'.
Both the Shit & Shit-Lite Parties are paid to ignore this.
Gerrymandering by both Parties over the past 2 centuries ensures the 'Golden Rule' prevails - those with the Gold, Rule.
The US needs a third party.
The Democrats haven't been Left for DECADES.
These two shoulda been the Contenders.
The corrupt DNC doomed us all by listening to their SPONSORS.
Go with the women‼️ again and again and again
There is no real left wing alternative in the US.
Imo the democrats need to stop ousting people like Bernie and start listening to them.
Start looking at other countries for inspiration. Look at what their left wing parties are doing.
The US needs serious changes. You don’t get those by doing the same over and over and over.
The outcome: people on the right had a choice between far right and far right light. They went for the real thing, also encouraged by the now new possibility of the PVV in government.
As a result, the Netherlands now has the most right wing, and useless, government we have ever had.
Don’t look to the right. These people will never vote for you in large numbers, they will just go for the real thing.
Look to the left.
There is no dress rehearsal