Historically, Cubans have been the most prominent Latino group to vote Republican. Trump’s decision won’t go over well with the Cuban population. In fact, to target legal residents and tourists is unconstitutional, so this decision doesn’t sit well with most of us.
Essential workers, like CNAs, drivers, food service, construction, cleaning, childcare, etc. Fewer workers means upwards pressure on wages, which means another INFLATION variable.
Did you notice he DIDN'T mention Russian immigrants yet many of the Women come here just TO GIVE BIRTH so they can claim their child as a US Citizen! I expect he'll also give them a pass on that whole "US birthright" thing he's trying to do away with!😡
That's because there are a bunch of Russian women who are pregnant who just came here and some are RasPUTIN'S seed that will be born here and groomed to marry into the 🍊 💩 and Twitler's family life nes and take over "The Empire" someday. 🤮🤢
To all the zero empathy FAFO jackals in here, spewing hate just like they do, you are consuming the same fucking misinformation they do, you’re celebrating with the same “brown people bad” crowd. You’re no better than maga.
Turning on your own voters and taking everything away from them might be the turning point. But why do the rest of us all have to suffer because they voted for him?
I've heard that some are doubting their decision to vote for him. It will take a while for them to fully realize the extent of what he's done. Probably when they need to use Medicaid or any services they had before & are denied. Course they may be deported prior to any of this. Either way it's bad.
Trump's callous attitude about Hurricane Maria was predicted to hurt him in 2020 with refugees and relatives in Puerto Rico.
It didn't.
Since those he's deporting aren't voters, and most of the remaining Cuban voters would support Trump if he personally set them on fire, I think he'll be fine.
As Trump is not concerned about deporting a large part of his voter base....it shows he feels that maga doesn't need their votes at future elections.
I wonder why that is? Uhh, let me think about it awhile.
Could be he isn't planning on holding 'free & fair' elections.
Just hasn't told you yet!
Well he DID tell them that he didn’t care about them, he JUST WANTED THEIR VOTES. So he really didn’t lie to them. I heard it multiple times on his campaign trail. Not that I was following him, MSM forced it down our throats NIGHTLY.
That’s been my ENTIRE POINT. They are seen as “worthless” as black people. At least we KNOW THEY HATE US AND ALWAYS HAVE. But they are lulled into a false sense of whiteness and they believed it. We tried telling them that they were no better than us, yet they laughed and called US names. Pack up.😼
True. It didn’t help that they fed into whatever was needed to convince them that they were “one of them”. 🤣. They will NEVER accept us no matter what we do or create. They will just steal it and benefit from it anyway. We are used to it. That’s why we went silent.
We tried to tell them. I still feel badly and will fight for their rights, but, fuck. This was all obvious if people had bothered to educate themselves beyond the superifical
At this point I don’t blame him for lying. He is who he is- he is the scorpion. Everyone knew he was the scorpion. There was enough info out there that he was the scorpion and they voted for it anyway because they’re racist and misogynistic. I don’t feel any voter can claim they were duped.
When he said there won't be any blue states by next elections surprise surprise!!! My stomach turned. He said it with a big smile and that was very odd too. They're up to something but what?
Democrats have to defeat Donald Trump. The Trump administration deported a French Scientist that criticized Trump for Destroying the Department of Educational on his cellphone. https://youtu.be/XB-Zy7BYm7U?si=SBBMjejsLrMP1XrU
Absolutely one of orange Mussolinis largest voting group in Florida and South.
Lmao....he's fucking them over too....
It's absolutely the greatest
We told you so.
Most Cubans unfortunately have been brainwashed to think Democrats are Communists (like Cuba was under Castro) and so they supported trump. It's wakeup time for them.
How are ‘they’ goin deport 500k people? not without the help of police, hired thugs, pilots, guards etc- find these little men-
the cogs and start to weaken them—-Shit maybe someone can publish the names and photos of their minor children on the internet webs 🤷🏻♀️ I’ll take that as a start
The guy is old. Do you think he cares what happens after he is gone? He used any means or lies necessary to get elected and gain immunity. He had to do whatever it takes to avoid prison. All about him, nobody else.
If it's true ... all that will happen is that the sound of more Trump voters complaining that "yes, Trump told us he was going to do it ... but I didn't think he meant to me", will get louder. It's too late to do anything else.
It’s just non stop. I can’t believe the level of destruction in just 2 months. We have 4 years of this. By the time the felon president and his team are done we will all be ruined. Well. Not all. The ultra wealthy will be just fine.
Why are we sitting here taking this? In just 2 months ...why are we waiting around like those in Hungary? They waited YEARS. The people in the nation of Georgia also. The SOONER we MARCH ALL TOGETHER --FILLING the STREETS-- the better. 👇🏼 Georgia in January & THEY march EVERY NIGHT!
Yes, most definitely, but he doesn't need their support anymore
And they helped install him as such
The MAGAts will be loving Trump until the day they are sent to the El Salvadorian prison and then they will say they are merely “collateral damage”. They won’t change their tune till they are in prison.
The Cubans that vote for Trump do not give a shit about recent migrants! They care only for their false claims of land in Cuba. They are selfish assholes, in other words, they are Republicans!
They really think these Republicans are going to restore Tia Mirta's Tobacco farm from 1962. It's ridiculous how happy they are to embrace fascism on a decades-long deception.
There is a line between Cubans who came to this country 50 years ago and the new arrivals. By definition if they aren't citizens yet they are new arrivals.
The older Cubans (generalizing here) don't like new arrivals and some will be perfectly fine with this.
It isn't about who does or doesn't do these tasks, it's about the lack of humanity. People who have committed no crime being kicked out of the country purely due to one man's xenophobia.
Pssst. A little secret…The orange thug doesn’t care if you’re Cuban, Polynesian, French, purple with green spots. He simply cares about HIMSELF. It’s why he watches hours of tv about DJ. Unless you are a white billionaire letch pal kissing his feet…that felon will never care about you, me, planet
Cubans support Republicans, even though much of the GOP's agenda goes against their interests. It's time they realized that fascism isn't so different from a communist dictatorship & that voting for Democrats is not the same as voting for communism. Let’s see how they like them Salvadoran gulags!
Many of the Cubans that came to Florida would have supported the far right Govt of Cuba that preceded the revolutionary changes that lead to the Casto era. They don’t seem to realise that supporting similar people in a different country makes them targets rather than winners.
Trump is showing his hatred of Black and Brown ppl all the Blacks and Brown ppl that voted for him got played especially Tim Scott, that Black congressman from FL (ass kisser) and Ramasmarmy, smdh😡
Wow, I did not know that, and I was in my 20s when Reagan was in office. Wild! Well, Cubans just voted to give up their protections. Good luck to them.
So, what is with the "legal status" of a 34-times convicted felon? I'd really like to know that. When has a 34-times convicted felon been permitted to run for president? What the fuck is wrong with this picture?
No disrespect intended, but why does he even need his base anymore? He used them exactly as he needed to. Even if he somehow tries for a 3rd term, it's not going to be a 'real' election, so what does the base matter? If they start to complain, he'll declare emergency powers and just rule that way
"It was the bigliest win ever. People say I got 147 percent of the votes, which is way more than Barack HUSSEIN Obama, in fact it's more than he got in both elections, and those elections were rigged so I'd lose, even if I wasn't running, but I could have... "
Going after people with jobs, sponsors, and names on Santa’s Good List is headline-chasing racism. It’s facism in a cheap suit with a red tie that’s too long. Going after low-hanging fruit is just for show—so cowards can sit in their gilded castles and throw scraps to their mob.
How long you figure it will be before they start revoking citizenship and deporting natural-born citizens to El Salvador because they don’t agree with every bit of vile word vomit that falls from his disgusting mouth? It’s coming. They won’t stop unless they are stopped.
Wonder how the GOP will fare next election, what with the large number of maga voters being deported? Maybe he'll temporarily pardon them just long enough to vote.
Think he cares about anyone who helped get him elected? Just like anyone who ever did contract work for him? Or the cities where he held campaign events?
Well, most of those Cuban cultists ran away from “their country” when Fidel kicked out the US backed dictator and the mob. I doubt any of them will go back.
The Orange buffoon is about to find out about true American rebellion not the troglodytic one he forced on the nation on J6. After this regime falls, the powers given POTUS will be stripped to only officially duties tailored for the office to benefit Americans. EO’s will be curtailed too.
No surprise from a man who says that The US Government can begin segregation again
No surprise from a man who refused to rent to black people
No surprise from one who's father was a member of the KKK and then published a full page add explaining why he believed innocent blk men need 2B imprisoned.
They won't care so long as it's "them and not us" Sorry to swear, but you fing idiots you spent your lives supporting a white supremacist even though you were told he "doesn't like you idiot", but you swallowed all his BS. I hope he deports everyone one who voted for him that will pls me no end.
I wonder how “Little Marco” is feeling about his life choices now!? Seems he’s joined a repressive regime just like the ones he’s spent his life fighting.
Fair… It’s meant as a sarcastic question about the company he is keeping. Regardless of whether anyone outside his orbit believes he is fighting the oppressor; he presents himself as that champion, has campaigned on it, and uses his families origin story as his reason.
Idiocracy= Family immigrated from Cuba, running from Castro, given political asylum. Now willing to persecute other Cubans afforded the same privilege. Just wow!
Yup. FIU Cuba Poll 2024: Cuban American voters’ support for Trump at an all-time high. They have always tended to vote Republican: religious conservatives.
I didn't feel sorry for them one little bit. I will reserve my empathy for those that deserve it.
Don’t be fooled into not taking action because this is just talk.
That’s what they want.
That’s how they get away with stuff.
Like a kid that threatens to crap in the pool, just because they won’t, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be called on it.
And this is one universal shit in the pool.
From what I have heard, Cubans hate the Democratic Party and only vote Republican. I'm sure there are exceptions and I feel bad for them, but...to the ones who did vote for Trump, buh bye.
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen evidence that anything will convince a MAGA supporter to leave the cult. He could shoot someone’s entire family on 5th Ave and that person would still support MAGA… and they’d thank the clown
The kid themselves if they think they are "safe"...safe today does not mean safe tomorrow. Their lack of empathy and concern will be their own downfall
Many were. Apparently deporting his own base, and screwing over his other voters who thought he had their backs doesn’t matter to him since he plans to do away with voting in the near future and make himself King.
Obviously he never read Ozymandias.
Adiós DonOld.
Leopards meet Face.
They chose poorly.
To all the zero empathy FAFO jackals in here, spewing hate just like they do, you are consuming the same fucking misinformation they do, you’re celebrating with the same “brown people bad” crowd. You’re no better than maga.
Fucking hypocrites.
They will still vote for him.
I jest, or course he won’t follow the law.
No sympathy for anybody who thought that was a good thing and is now getting fucked over!!
Cubans haven't always taken it well when the government fucks them over!!
They always say well he wouldn’t do that to me. We’ll find out now.
Perhaps THIS time will be different.
It didn't.
Since those he's deporting aren't voters, and most of the remaining Cuban voters would support Trump if he personally set them on fire, I think he'll be fine.
I wonder why that is? Uhh, let me think about it awhile.
Could be he isn't planning on holding 'free & fair' elections.
Just hasn't told you yet!
And I was like what's going on, I couldn't tell a Cuban apart from any other Hispanic. It was weird.
My friend Gio had to explain Cuban racism to me. It's bad.
Trump has no qualms about lying to get votes.
His campaign did it with the Palestinian supporters in Michigan, too.
Lmao....he's fucking them over too....
It's absolutely the greatest
We told you so.
You’re feeding the misinformation hate, man.
the cogs and start to weaken them—-Shit maybe someone can publish the names and photos of their minor children on the internet webs 🤷🏻♀️ I’ll take that as a start
Then went on to “I don’t even need your votes” 🧐
WTF. That's an historical landsite. It should never have been sold to IT !
And they helped install him as such
Elections no mas.🤬
The older Cubans (generalizing here) don't like new arrivals and some will be perfectly fine with this.
MAGAts lack empathy, even Cuban ones
.. who will clean the houses of the rich? Who will build new houses? Who take care of your garbage?
Who keep your economy running?
One by one those people are reported .
Good luck .
Until the next one anyway.
But it start with empathy and respect for others.
Who wonderfull this must feel....
They are all aliens. Green Card or not. Legal or not
The person who wrote that knows not of what they speak.
I’m Cuban, and pretty old so I can vouch for this. lol
Some have woken up though
Fuck 'em!!!! Fuck 'em ALL!
It'll be fine! Just fine! They all love the GOP plan to deport them. That's why they became US citizens and voted for only Republicans.
Just fine.
Right? Riiighttt???
Dictator for a day? Hah, he’s laying the ground work for total dictatorship 🤬
No surprise from a man who refused to rent to black people
No surprise from one who's father was a member of the KKK and then published a full page add explaining why he believed innocent blk men need 2B imprisoned.
What does Marco Rubio have to say about this?
It’s a little Orwellian don’t you think?! 🤔
During that address in Congress a few wks ago, he said he'd blame me if things went wrong at the State Dept.
And I smiled back bigly.
I think I'm about to be tossed under a flaming Tesla as a burnt offering to the 🎃👑
Small wonder why I looked like this guy in that Oval Office meeting👇
That is all.
His memory lapses are legendary! Remember his words since he doesn't!!
Is Tim Scott still engaged?
I didn't feel sorry for them one little bit. I will reserve my empathy for those that deserve it.
That’s what they want.
That’s how they get away with stuff.
Like a kid that threatens to crap in the pool, just because they won’t, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be called on it.
And this is one universal shit in the pool.
"I only need your vote this once. After that you never have to worry about it anymore." Or something like that.
It’s my understanding that Rubio is the poster boy Exhibit A of birthright citizenship, especially in Florida.
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen evidence that anything will convince a MAGA supporter to leave the cult. He could shoot someone’s entire family on 5th Ave and that person would still support MAGA… and they’d thank the clown
Obviously he never read Ozymandias.