Chuck Schumer knows the Democratic base is pissed off—not just a little.
Polling shows grassroots anger is real and Schumer’s outdated tactics are deepening the divide.
Dems need to rebuild & reconnect w/folks. helped create our problem & can’t be part of the solution.
Polling shows grassroots anger is real and Schumer’s outdated tactics are deepening the divide.
Dems need to rebuild & reconnect w/folks. helped create our problem & can’t be part of the solution.
There is no reforming the must be destroyed.
He no longer understands quite literally anything about today’s politics. Bernie may not be yech savvy but he surrounds himself with those who are. Corey Booker uses PowerPoint slides to discuss Social Media “strategy” and that’s his guy.
Time for the old white men to step aside. They do not represent today’s Democratic Party.
But against Trump and Maga, they are pathetic
The party needs to be led by AOC & Jasmine Crockett
There is evidence that 4M votes were disenfranchised, which would have taken every swing state.
Stolen “under the guise of looking for voter fraud”.
See :
“The Voting Trickery That Elected Trump”
Read the articles by :
“The Voting Trickery That Elected Trump”
(Seriously? …even THEY aren’t clueless enough to challenge & purge GQP votes.)
Yes, you could have demanded concessions, yes they probably would have said no.
But they might have given us something that could have been used to bargain at a later date.
You could have sent a message that the Dems were ready to fight.
Dems getting rid of him are dispicable.
it's clear he was going to do the right thing and was told by someone to do otherwise.
That's a failure of leadership. needs to resign not just as leader, but as Senator.
Fuck that piece of shit.
Let's start talking about who's gonna run against him.
Bunch of AIPAC bought genocidal Zio monsters.
And that is just one of DOZENS of heinous issues.
NEVER blue no matter who.
Green or bust.
We are divided because Dems ignored large red parts of the country for decades.
They are just as responsible for ushering fascism as the Repugs.
IS THE PROBLEM... and too many like him...
We need to do it.
The dems stifle her and her caucus because the dems only serve the oligarchy that also owns the repugnant party.
Schumer should be given the same opportunity to fk up the senate. Democrats after all, are crack foot-shooters despite their gun-regulation rhetoric.
such as aligning with the Republicans? Doing their bidding? Is that the tactic you mean?
CR was bad, Shutdown, (15 OR 20X Worse) Executive Branch determines “ESSENTIALS”. SNAP, Transit Aid, Cut Medicaid SS, Veterans by 20, 30, 50, 80%. GIVE TAX CUTS TO THE BILLIONAIRES! SHUT DOWN FOR 6, 9, A YEAR? THERE'D BE NO WAY TO STOP IT. SHUTDOWN Be Even Worse than CR.
They haven’t been for decades which is why we’re where we are.
Chuck Fuck Schumer
Democrats must all be on the same page and speak with one unanimous voice
That's all they care about, the morons.
-mean looks
-side glances
-looks if disapproval
- long pauses and waffling before caving in
- wait and see how plays out..
If he truly gave a shit about America, he'd resign.
And when did he find time to write a damn book?
They are unpopular because they are feckless politicians when we want and need fighters.
What kind of crap is this—we’re losing our Democracy and we are playing pattycake w Chuck Schumer?
People trying to divide the opposition to Trump (looking at you Greens) are Trump’s greatest assets.
As long as we’re angrier at the Democrats than we are at MAGA we are a MAGA asset.
A progressive party needs to appeal to 33% of the population overall or 50.5% of the population that votes. Win the swings.
Bernie appeals to the middle class. Not just the left
The democraps' idiocy is trying to compromise with the extreme right whose only interests are racism and stupidity.
Let’s say a third of the old guard dems voted DNC. Leaves 20% votes to the Progressives. Then half of the RNC bails. That’s 15% to the Progressives.
Dems are done. Jump ship now and there is no worry for the future.
They have to show that they can win elections, not just get people to show up for rallies.
30,000 people is a great rally and a lost election.
How many (net) voters would have chosen him over Harris?
A lot of the people that would vote for him are among the most suppressed as well, so he has to do a lot more than get 1% more among moderates.
I like a lot of his policies but that isn’t good enough now.
Harris was a centrist, which isn't actually a good thing.
The dem obsession with centrism is a result of denying the reality that the mythical center exists; it doesn't any longer.
Today we have an extreme right wing and everyone else.
If you believe in the Progressive platform stand behind it.
Or go down with the ship.
Yeah- no thanks, bub.
I have been all Bernie since 2016. The Dems have nothing left I am willing to defend.
MAGA's fall into one of 4 categories:
- Money is your God. *
- Religion is your perversion. *
- You're a fascist, racists, bigoted, Nazi POS. *
- You are an uneducated, ignorant, f*****g moron. *
* Can be all of the above!
These are the leaders, All the old club needs to go
Some PR consultants over at the DNC need to get the ye ole live, laugh toaster bath.