This announcement is to soften up the citizens, the prelude to the 400 billion of our tax dollars U.S. Gov is about to shift to Elon for the "government vehicles". Watch.
Imagine Trump supporters terrorized about their Medicaid Medicare or SS benefits to end while barely scraping by. No reliable vehicle. Reading Trump on Twitter explain he's on his way to buy a Tesla to help Elon. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte #quote
How are all the people you fired and all of the people in their circles of influence, supposed to buy those cars? You have almost erased all stock market gains to when Kamala Harris entered the race. I really would love to know how people are suppose to pay for them. Oh right you don't care how!
This country is for the people by the people, we have the power Don so get used to these boycotts they are not going anywhere. If there are so many of your supporters then why are the numbers not going up????
South African Elon Musk has to go before he completely destroys us. He is in old, demented Trump's ear and Trump listens to anyone who praises his narcissistic self.
Well if you and your Republican tools would stop fucking things up in this country we will be great again. But with you playing president and your handy twat Leon acting like a rabid bull in a china shop it will just get worse.
Hey orange dipshit, musk is a full on fucking nazi as his parents are.
Fuck you Trump you fucking convicted rapist felon dictator and your nazi bitch musk.
Dictators fear not the boycott, but the unity of the people!
They strip away the right to protest because they dare not relinquish power, they fear reckoning!
Fascists silence the people, but history proves one truth: only resistance can end tyranny!
So there's a sudden surge of bargain priced teslas at the same time leading Republicans are making virtue signaling purchases. It would be ironic if this farce ended up spurring adoption of EVs by the right. Not actually bad, mind, but ironic.
All I know is that it's very weird having the so-called President doing a full hour commercial for the guy who is trying to take my Social Security away.
I just know that the orange asshole is going to get a loan for that tesla because the whole world knows he doesn’t have two nickels to rub together as he is mortgaged to the hilt!
To my maga supporters who can barely afford groceries go out and buy a Tesla and give what little money you have to a guy who has 500 billion. Now tell me this mf is not the biggest con artist in America. Fuck Elon and Trump!!!!
Tripping over themselves to support the richest man in the world while throwing average Americans under the bus. Musk has laid off thousands at his own companies so someone having more money doesn't mean more employees. If spending is taxation don't care, I care about the poor and the environment
You lot really do have the most bat shit crazy madman running your country. I can’t think of anywhere else that would allow this type of behaviour. Do yourselves a favour and get him out of office. How difficult can that be?
We have no way to trigger a removal or re-election as citizens. We have to wait and see if Congress does that. And they won't. So, you know, guillotines are becoming the only option.
The whining from this Nazi pig is hilarious. He was whining about how countertariffs from Canada were "unfair" and that we "couldn't do that". Americans need to rise up against that steaming pile of shit before it's too late to stop him.
Does anyone believe trump is going to buy a Tesla? Is the Oval Office the sales HQ for Tesla now. When did boycotts of anything become illegal? Does anyone notice trump is attacking the First Amendment on a regular basis?
It's 2026, Trump at a Nevada rally ...polls dropping like a stone, economy in shambles, rioting in the streets, alliances shattered, America more and more alone. The heat is getting too close..
Trump, always one to find an escape hatch, has his scapegoat ready- decides to go for the Kill Shot!
Remember when someone wanted people to boycott Bud Light because one Trans person was in a 30 second commercial. Or burning their Nike because of Colin Kirkpatrick and I can't even remember what the deal was with Keurig.
it’s not a boycott. it’s free market capitalism. is Trump really saying he is opposed to free market Capitalism? I think he is. Trump is saying he is anti-free-market-Capitalism.
'Good Trouble' has had an impact on America's not too distant past, so it's worth remembering that as a UNITED PEOPLE of ALL races and backgrounds, we WILL prevail.
In fact, boycotting is a tool given by a free market. I find it hypocritical that Trump and his congressional lackeys are even suggesting that the boycott is illegal.
There’s so much stuff that I’ve never bought before. So I guess I’ve been illegally boycotting all those companies as well. Also I’ve been boycotting Amazon for at least 5 or 6 years now, which is probably considered treason or something at this point.
Another stupid investment on Trumps part. But hey that’s his record… six bankruptcies prove it. Let’s not tell him he’s buying junk. Hope it spontaneously combusts like the other teslas do
Does he think that his buying a Swasticar is going to make his base buy them? LOOOOOOOOOOOL... they're the ones that elected him because of the "price of eggs."
My brother has one, and it's the worst. It feels like a thin plastic box, with only a wheel and a giant tablet for controls and a ragged tapestry the only thing between you and pavement. I feel unsafe if he picks me up to hang out. And yes, as far as I know, he's trying to unload it.
tRump doesn't quite understand any laws much less follow them...
North America was doing just fine until this lunatic came along with his bitch elan and fucked up everything...
He's not playing four dimensional chess.
More like marbles and he can't hit a single one!
Entitled, white male is held accountable for his actions and this seems to be an atrocity worthy of the president’s immediate attention. Never mind the people dying from measles or the economy being in free fall
Maybe he should talk to someone about that, because he still owes E.Jean Carrol and the State of New York lots of money and the interest just keeps adding up everyday.
Wait a minute… does this mean that he’s not afraid of it getting wet? Or if he has to go more than a few blocks? It seems like just a few months ago he said EV’s were ridiculous. What’s changed? Has VonShitsHisPants gone green?
wow. "re-truths"
trump should buy more teslas. in my neighbourhood are 2
teslas for sale and nobody want it. he likes big deals rght?
he should snap it.
We don't care that Trump bought a Tesla, he is going to have to keep buying them to keep the company from shutting down. No one in their right mind wants one anymore.
Are they relying on the “rolling coal” crowd to bail out Tesla? That’s a helluva shift in demographics, and a big step up from destroying Yeti coolers and Taylor Swift albums.
Rep. Thomas Massie, tell your story—why does Trump want you out of the House? Don’t fear him. History will judge inaction. Honor your love for this country. Speak out on Bluesky.
He calls everything he doesn't like, "illegal." Fuck him. People have a right not to buy an overpriced Nazi car. And a right to boycott everything to do with any Musk company. Musk is a foreign terrorists and should not be allowed to dictate to Americans how to run our own country. He's a thief.
Radical Lefts ???
It’s far more than American buyers, you complete asshole. So apparently the rest of the world has more interest in humanity and morals then the Radical right.
Go jump off a bridge you fucking lame excuse of a man. BTW. Your commercial
Is making you the laughingstock of the day.
If Trump buys the Tesla with Federal funds (he's too tight to use his own money) it will be an act of corruption and waste and Elon will have to trash the deal...
Wow. Musk's plan to get rid of tRump so he can be the sole president cause Teslas blow up quite often. OH, btw, boycotting Bud Lite IS legal according to that great legal mind - tRump.
Who will drive Trump's brand new Tesla? Will the Secret Service permit him to put himself at risk by riding in a Tesla known to catch on fire and known for a malfunctioning self-driving feature that has caused car crashes.
I don't have words for how deeply and thoroughly disgusting I find the kumquat knob. I've never in my life looked forward to reading an obit until now.
A hardship for him, no doubt! But, CF34 found the money between the cushions in the sofa just outside one of his bathrooms, with the gold plated toilets! Ah, gotta go check some cushions.
Free markets suck when they don't like YOU.
Even when defending his buddy
Fuck you Trump you fucking convicted rapist felon dictator and your nazi bitch musk.
They strip away the right to protest because they dare not relinquish power, they fear reckoning!
Fascists silence the people, but history proves one truth: only resistance can end tyranny!
It shakes them to their core and makes them suffer.
Only thing folks wield today is the TV remote
That would be sweet justice...
I bet their head is bleeding from all that scratching.
There. Fixed it.
Trump, always one to find an escape hatch, has his scapegoat ready- decides to go for the Kill Shot!
You've got it all wrong. Musk is the traitor, he's doing the work of an oligarch lunatic admin. You, sir, are a traitor too. We will not comply.
North America was doing just fine until this lunatic came along with his bitch elan and fucked up everything...
He's not playing four dimensional chess.
More like marbles and he can't hit a single one!
trump should buy more teslas. in my neighbourhood are 2
teslas for sale and nobody want it. he likes big deals rght?
he should snap it.
free choice
in a
free market.
Only Elon is colluding with Elon on being an asshole and ruining his company. He is unanimous.
It’s far more than American buyers, you complete asshole. So apparently the rest of the world has more interest in humanity and morals then the Radical right.
Go jump off a bridge you fucking lame excuse of a man. BTW. Your commercial
Is making you the laughingstock of the day.
I can't wait to see if this makes a diff personally.
Tell Leon Muskrat to STFU! And get out of my government.
And the rattle continues 🪇🪇🪇🌴☕