Only in the foothills of 2 college elections (RCP + RCR) and already seeing:
WhY aRE Pas aN iSSue? MoRe imPortAnt FinGs haPpeniG.
Here's my response. 🧵
WhY aRE Pas aN iSSue? MoRe imPortAnt FinGs haPpeniG.
Here's my response. 🧵
But these matter less in the context of College elections for a few reasons.
1. Everyone agrees these things are a problem.
2. In politics, as in life, there are things that sit in sphere of CONTROL, things in the sphere of INFLUENCE and things beyond control or influence.
Big ticket stuff is OUT of the sphere of control of the colleges.
The things that ARE in the sphere of control of colleges are:
- standards
- aspects of education and training
- professional issues
They have also, historically, decided who IS and is NOT a doctor and specialist.
It is right that they clean the mess up.
3. Workforce substitution is EXISTENTIAL to the profession and the colleges.
Am I overstating the threat?
History tells us NO.
Standards have slipped before with expansions of less skilled practitioners. In England in the 19thC.