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Consultant Acute Physician, The Royal London. Health policy nerd. Former Harveian Librarian, RCP. Antipodean. Views own.
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Let’s get BlueSky newbie over 1000 followers. And if you’re eligible to vote in the Royal College of Physicians of London Presidential election, take a look at his website here He will have my vote.

I guess only a few of my followers are Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London but, if you are, I’m strongly supporting in the election for President. We desperately need a change and he is the person to make it happen

RCP elections coming up Recently, the College has been aimless & adrift; I resigned from the editorial board of one of its journals in protest. I'm confident that for CVP and for PRCP will right its course #TimeForChange

Hmmm. Who might be missing from discussions about the Future Workforce??? 🤔

I have a feeling of deja vu. The RCP actually conducted a review of training not even 18 months ago. Let's have a little look at it, shall we? 🧵 1/

Important thread from about doctor substitution, lowering of standards and training and why it is in our personal interest (as future users of health services) and our patients' interest to turn this ship round now

With Prof having withdrawn honourably, there are two candidates for Clinical VP: both can be assets in , so I recommend voting for #TimeForChange #RCPTimeForChange

Powerful thread from on precisely why the PA issue is so crucial to current elections in two medical royal colleges. Well worth reading if you want to understand where NHS care could end up, without committed clinicians like Louella standing up for patients & standards 👏

Only in the foothills of 2 college elections (RCP + RCR) and already seeing: WhY aRE Pas aN iSSue? MoRe imPortAnt FinGs haPpeniG. Here's my response. 🧵 1/

Throwing my hat in the ring for RCP Clinical Vice President! Great to see so many excellent people putting themselves forward. Fellows, don't forget to get out and VOTE!