You are 100% correct, so what are the smart people in Washington doing? Pink clothes and flash cards? C'mon, do something. Punch someone, raid an office, handcuff Elon to a chair, anything....the poor can't afford it, they will get a public defender. You all have money, and won't do any time.
(Example of past military use of inducing hopelessness, if anyone's curious-- used by the US in Vietnam to systematically reduce morale)
Senator Sanders, your fight gives me such hope. I also want to point out that there is a lot of despair online, but this is at least partly due to psyop tactics. Trump curtailed the fight against Russian cyberwarfare 3/1/25. Inducing despair is an established military psychological warfare tactic.
Can someone who has access provide a copy of what DOGE’s AI is misinterpreting from the budget!No one seems to be hearing me to investigate!Start with discrediting transgender mice!Try transgenic!Fight these lies back and the harm Musk’s algorithm is doing! Also, publish the budget proposal in full!
I know, Bernie. But I feel so ineffective and I am so scared, frustrated, angry. I am so depressed and anxious.
I'm working on it though. I'm prepping for what's coming, get ting my own house in order and keeping my ear to the ground. I'm just watching and waiting for my opportunity.
Exactly, there's no such thing as extreme anymore We need to organize Use a pony express methodology no cameras no phones and proof of party Word of mouth is our only recourse
I've been told this almost every year in my life. Since Nixon. I have grown used to poverty, loneliness and despair as my lot in life. I've done more then enough to make others lives better. Stop telling me I still haven't done enough. Enough is enough.
I can not for the life of me understand how this honorable, intelligent and clearly thinking man can possibly be considered to be a "left wing lunactic" in the US? Everything I am hearing from him is perfectly common sense and reasonable.
👏 Nothing could better illustrate their helplessness.
Déformation professionnelle.
They just cannot grasp that someone might play the game not by their familiar, acknowledged rules but by his own.
That’s a tall order when these jackasses are ripping away the very fabric of our country. Every institution that could help is being systematically dismantled. As I write the ORR is being stripped down for parts, the director fired and those in need are facing shuttered doors.
Not only that, they’re cutting funding to universities like Columbia who won’t tow the fascist line. They’re attacking free speech, and arresting citizens. This is a fact. This is on top of our now failing economy. Tell me again how we fight against this abhorrence?
What do we fucking do? I really need direction. My family works in DC & they are fucking scared. That makes me want to get violent. Like biblically violent.
I want to do something but I don’t have the composure to see a way this doesn’t end up like Bastille Day & I’m the one pulling the cord.
If everyone changes their W-4 tax withholdings to exempt on their employee portal, no taxes paid to billionaire monthly subsidies. All installment payments from loans to subscriptions account for $3.3 trillion monthly globally. If everyone stopped paying, there would be no billionaires in 3 months.
both started at january. but trump got the green card from the supreme court from beginning. The Enabling Law has been given to hitler on the 23 March 1933.
both has degenerated the parlament to a praising institution
of her glory highness.
Thank you for giving decent people in the USA hope + standing up for them.
Can we hope for closer collaboration with
It is important that you guys take action. As with Ukraine, the price will keep rising. 200+ million people did not vote for him. They need reasonable hope.
To quote the end of your address last evening: "...If we bring our people together around an agenda that works for the many, there is nothing that can stop us. We can win, we will win. Let us go forward.” Thank you for still fighting...
The apathy towards our government & the antipathy of “others” got us to where we are today. It infuriates me immensely how many people are choosing to ignore what is happening bc “they can’t do anything to change it.” Inevitably, the things DT regime is doing will hurt all of us except the rich.
Keep fighting.
Thank you to these people for standing up (my heroes so far)
Rep. Al Green
Judge Adam Abelson
Judge William Alsup
Judge Amy Berman Jackson
Judge Ana Reyes
Judge Deborah Boardman
Judge Royce Lamberth
Spec. Counsel Dellinger
Judge Jamal Whitehead
Judge Loren Alikhan
Judge Amir Ali
Maybe only hide under the covers in small increments when you need to rebuild the strength to fight again tomorrow. I need Bernie's energy! He was born for this.
SCOTUS is part of the problem with allowing the CONMANder and Thief to take us to the brink of destroying our democratic republic. So how do end this hostile government takeover, good sir?
Sir, with all due respect, quit spouting the same tired rhetoric and attack them where it hurts. They want to revive Christianity but aren't acting very Christian. There's a Bible verse for every wrong they're doing. Show that they aren't as Christian as they believe or would like others to believe.
You beat them by showing their own flaws and that they don't follow the Bible as well as they'd like to believe or would have others believe. You do this, then you humble them and then their true character will appear. That's the strategy.
Constantly. Christian libshits try it constantly, acting like christians are capable of intelligent thought or shame, and it never works, because its stupid, and its inherently a pro christian nationalist strategy
This was he pretext for the crackdown on “illegal protests” and mandatory death penalty for killing a cop. He’s about to do bad shit and is telling us the punishments of resisting.
“We’re in the second American revolution which will remain bloodless if the left allows it”-Nazi Kevin Roberts
So people shouldn't fight back against an enemy that has already declared a war of extermination against them? I'm no expert, but that does not sound reasonable.
We understand the assignment Bernie. It will take time, energy, resources, voices, Voices, VOICES. Thank you for your inspiring, unwavering commitment to fighting for ALL of us Senator Sanders. We won't let you down. We will continue to fight and we will win.
Come on senator... Everyone knows that the brave Americans don't hide. They just watch Netflix, Amazon Premium, etc. or shake their hips in front of their smartphones to earn a few bucks on YouTube, Tiktok, etc.
few suggestions: maybe arrange lunch between women of congress & SCOTUS. maybe MAGA going bonkers on Barrett is the universe giving a nudge in our direction. maybe it goes no where but worth the invitation at least. 1/
2/Congressional Dems bring Generals McMaster/Mattis/Miley on board as liaison w/vets/active members, all of whom are constituents. I can't imagine military support is very high for Trump/Hegseth; let's use the moment
time for to make some good trouble. be seen. be heard. be brave. do the unexpected
Any idea WHAT can be done? "don't despair" "don't give up" don't hide" are not directions to action but simply mood. lot of yapping and no concrete plan.
Ouch, I was literally in bed curled up under my covers in a ball on the edge of tears 20 mins ago. I live in red district in Texas. I can't travel to the capitol. Sent multiple emails to my reps. I feel like there is nothing of substance I can do. I'm an independent voter; reps won't face us...
Appeal to MAGA that's been affected by Trump's cuts. Show them in easy graphs that this Shit Show belongs to Trump. Tell them if they don't wake up, and get NEW representation who doesn't fear Trump, their livelihoods are done, ALL due to Trump. I feel your pain. Please stay strong 🙏✌️
Thank you for your words. I'm trying. A 12 pack got me out of bed, heh. 🫠Despite my MAGA father being on Vet disability, he won't budge. Maybe just because it hasn't hit him yet, or what. He says he would die for Trump, and I just am baffled by his POV. I don't want him to suffer just to see reality
You are absolutely right Senator!
We need to implement a nonviolent civil disobedience,
organize a civil, officials and military defense with all those Institutions who recognize this new administration as a dangerous representation of the American citizens.
Leave no one behind.
Start explaining that to the Democrstic “leadership” that’s too busy on book tours or putting out strong statements all while cashing in as their constituents struggle.
Thank You Sen. Sanders for keeping the fires burning. I can assure you that very few Canadians have taken to hiding under the covers, even though it's still cold up here north of the Vermont border.
“According to some estimates, as many as 4.6 million people attended the various events in the United States, and it was widely believed to be the largest single-day demonstration in that country’s history.” Back in 2017
To Preserve Our Democracy
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Alt text: Bernie Sanders says "At this particular moment in history, despair is not an option. Giving up is not acceptable. And none of us have the privilege of hiding under the covers."
You know what Boo Boo—how about you put your ego aside for one minute and build a coalition. Cut it with the one man show routine. Get a concert team together like and get on the road
With respect, didn’t you walk out last night? It looked like you gave up. You have a big voice, why didn’t you use it when the world was watching? The Dems looked so meek and disorganized. Support Rep. Green! Stand up for democracy!
#goodtrouble I love you, I'm incredibly happy to see you back out there and in proper fighting form, but you need to acknowledge that you spending 4 years backing your "good friend Joe Biden" did NOT inspire confidence in people. It helped contribute to this. "NOTHING FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED!"
I am, once again, asking you to start a new party! Democrats need to go the way of the Whigs. They are not on our side! Any REAL progressive will join a true Workers Party
Yes, that is a perfect recipe to insure Rs win the next election and we continue merrily down the nature trail to hell. The reality is, the democratic party is the only chance we have anytime soon. Eventually you can work to create ranked choice voting and then third parties are not an insane risk
We change nothing, nothing will change. We could learn a great lesson from Mexico and what they did with Morena.
Thinking the Democratic party is our only chance when they are actively fighting against progress and purging the left is the recipe for disaster
Senator Sanders: Respectfully, you need to pass this information on to your Democratic Congress people who think there is nothing they can do. They need to band together and remember John Lewis and his advice. They need to stop being so wimpy. Those tariffs and DOGE are illegal and Dems know it.
I'm sorry, but these times require more AGGRESSIVE actions! This Rogue Government needs to be stopped by SCOTUS before it's too late! And if 4547 is already trying to have judges who oppose him impeached, the SCOTUS are not safe! MAGA will devour SCOTUS once Trump Dismisses them! You NEED to meet
W/SCOTUS and Tell THEM that OUR COUNTRY, under the Constitution as it stands WILL protect them for doing what is Constitutionally CORRECT! Otherwise, let THEM be damned by MAGA who are already Salivating over AMY CONEY BARET or whatever her name is!
Mark Warner praises Trump, Slotkin praises Ronald Reagan, Gavin Newsom has Charlie Kirk as a guest on his new podcast. No, I’m not gonna give up, but it seems like my issues are Republicans and Democrats.
You are one of the few speaking up and acting. Most of the dem party is timid. Starting with Jeffries. Schumer is somewhat better but neither is the right leader at this time. We need action, not words and timidness.
So democrats better get busy and come up with a new plan stop fighting amongst yourselves, hash it out behind closed doors and come out with a unified plan. Middle of the road people don’t want to hear the far left ideology anymore. That’s what cost us the election.
Bernie please tell and what they should be doing as the democrats are utterly flopping besides progressives
Doesn't look like Congress can do much. Dems is minority.
But blue states should get prepared for secession. They may not want to now, but can get prepared. Like how are the federal tax etc systems tapped into state, and state troops, debt limit, etc. When needed, don't say "need another year".
Their votes are needed to pass the budget and they better not vote to help this shit. It’s up to us to blast the calls to our reps to ensure this happens we shutdown the govt until things get restored
Why are Dems' votes needed? As long as Republicans all vote yes, the bill can pass. And Republicans are now mostly Trump loyalists, except for one or two members. Am I missing something? Or you mean we blast to some Republicans in swing districts?
Because there are a number of House Republicans who will vote against any funding bill, Democratic votes will be needed in the House. And since the bill can be filibustered in the Senate, 60 votes will be needed in a chamber where Republicans hold 53 seats. That means only a bipartisan deal.
What else can we do Bernie? We voted for Kamala, protested in the streets, contacted our representatives in Congress and the Senate, moved away from billionaires’ businesses, spoke up in our communities and town halls, and we’re donating to ACLU to help finance the legal battles ahead.
I'm an outsider so you can ignore if you wish.
With all repression at pro-Palestine rallies, with all the meek response to the travesties (such as no support to Al Green) or Elena Parent herself, I think Democrat party, at least the part which holds the reigns, isn't part of the solution.
How lucky is #Vermont ?They are the home of Ben &Jerry’s. They have Bernie Sanders for a senator. Both tried and true examples of real American exceptionalism.
Thank you for your care about the people, all of the people. Your intelligence, honesty,and courage to stand behind the issues you believe in make you such a good senator and person.
Totally disgusted w/Dems. U did NOTHING to help build confidence that elected dems will do anything of substance in fight for our democracy, our humanity, our allies, our citizens. Dems should have taken their seats & walked out at trump's first lie. Dems let him perform in the spotlight. Bad Move.
then truly when are you all going to remove trump you know already that you can do it call marshal law and remove him vance and hegseth on the grounds they have violate the constitution and the declaration of independence. everyone of the republicans can be tried for treason.
He’ll be the last one left on the burning raft, jump ship to Russia and leave everyone, his kids, Melania, his voters to sink into the writhing mass of robber barons seething like snakes over the desiccated body of a $36 trillion debt mitigated by wage slavery that will last until the sun explodes.
They are the infamous DemTrumpistPublicans...Shameless of the shameless from House of Cowards...they still believe they can pull the strings in the DNC...they should be banned and retired soon.
What do you want me to do? And do not tell me to vote centrist, please. I have been doing that my whole life and it has gotten us here. Voting dem does not work.
Join a group, local or online. Think of what skills you have that you can use to help. Are you a front line person, a behind the scenes, an artist? Find a way to use that to help others who are fighting back. Look into your local nonprofits, contact them, ask what they need.
Bernie, thank you for making me feel sane. It’s hard when everyone around me is too tired and overwhelmed to talk about it. I’m scared for my family, and i wish my representatives could speak like this on actual news channels. I know many people who are not reading American news. BBC, AP, Reuters.
..there is a big opportunity coming up.. if on April 15th a significant number of people dont pay taxes there will be shortfalls, and consequences for the government
Dear Senator Sanders,
Seeing you, as well as Senator Chris Van Hollen, speaking TRUTH, LIVE, in support of Ukraine while directing at Putin, the Crimes Putin has and is Committing Against Humanity, strengthens my Hope for Ukraine and Democracy.
Just ⚖️ saying 🇺🇸
hey why haven't i seen any dems speak with more open support of al green? not ti mention he's writing articles of impeachment. no other dem dares even MENTION the word impeachment nowadays while every republican has been shouting it on tv evrry day for the past four yeats? please watch these videos from Election Truth Alliance They found some anomalies in the election. Its not too late to audit swing states.
They know and it is infuriating they can not investigate. To claim voter fraud even though it is obvious will dismantle our democracy even worse than it is already and we will never recover. Trump check mated us with his ramp up about rigged elections.
I swear to Christ it’ll be 1000 years in the future and Bernie will be on the golden throne of mankind demanding ultramarines to fight the ceo agents of nurgle for Medicare for all.
Best we got apparently is color coordinated outfits and auction paddles. No one is taking this seriously! Where’s the same energy turtle fuck had during Obamas and Bidens presidency? The republicans did EVERYTHING to stop the dems!!
But it’s SO HARD. Last night was a disaster in prime time for a global audience. Dems, with rudderless, disjointed responses and stupid Barbie hot pink and little pickle ball paddles did NOT reflect the seriousness of the moment and I’m so fed up.
Agree completely! Whoever signed off on the pink should resign. Blue and yellow for Ukraine 🇺🇦 would’ve sent a much stronger message. Of course we need more than color coding…I just couldn’t believe they thought pink was a good idea. Why are they so bad at messaging?!
If you think you were going to win over middle America by wearing a different nations color at joint address while republicans are talking about America first…
Are you kidding me? He demanded that they didn’t protest?!?
Forgive me for being ignorant, it’s so hard to keep up with everything going on sometimes, but I didn’t hear this .
I guess he is still taking his orders from Pelosi since she got him the job. Nancy has always been used to dealing with an iron fist behind closed doors but in public you put a smile on your face and kill them with kindness. IT'S NOT WORKING ANYMORE Nancy!!!
The “when they go low, we go high” days are soooo 2009. Dems looked disorganized and disappointed. Imagine if they had calmly stood up, one by one, to challenge the lies being thrown at them. “Respectfully, sir, that’s not true” and kept it up until Johnson threw them out. #goodtrouble
What “when they go low, we go high” types fail to understand is when cons go low we do go high….in their helicopters right before they push US out of them.
And it’s high time they got that through their osmium dense heads.
Well said! It was not even remotely enough. We are in desperate need of a leader with clear organization to defend our democracy.
Is there a way to gather an emergency meeting? The resistance must be soon.
if you can’t see the flaws in the Democratic party and call them out, there is no chance to fix it, and you will have played your part in the fall of the republic. we don’t need mindless cheerleaders, we need a way forward.
Perhaps you should talk to any contacts you have in the military. The enemy has taken over the US and its agents run our puppet government. Our military should take that seriously.
Some of us have been living in despair for decades, senator. Watching my country frogmarch to this moment since my childhood, watching freedom and opportunity systematically stripped away by both parties, watching American imperialism destroy hope globally.
And now being ignored or bottled by our Democratic politicians when we demand action. It's clear that no one in Washington of any party sees us as anything more than meeples in their game.
Taking action requires hope, but we worked hard election after election to get people into office who then abandoned us, choosing to serve "the economy" instead of humanity. They demand we show up at their behest when it makes good political theater for them.
We're not "hiding under the covers." We're out here working two jobs to try to survive, and then going home and trying to steal a few hours of sleep from the anxiety that rules our lives. So please don't lecture us. You haven't walked a mile in our boots.
Yes! Thanks to you, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, Jasmine Crockett and Al Green continuing the fight for justice and calling out the lies and corruption by the republican party and naming names, I am encouraged to keep going, to keep fighting when and where I can.
Hey B,
we need a law enacted to make it illegal for any media outlet to spread lies to the masses, first infraction $1 million fine, second one $5 million and the third is loss of broadcasting license for a year.
Continue to lead, Bernie! I’m so grateful for you! Still have my Billionaires Can’t Buy Bernie sticker from 2016. If only more people could’ve gotten your message earlier, we might not be at this horrific point. (And we could all afford steak… and eggs). 😁
We can keep talking, but I dont see that making a difference either. The party caved to the GOP when you weren't on the ticket in 2016. I know you've tried many times to wake people up but it is time for more concrete action. There must be more to the fight than phone calls and social media posts
Dems should introduce legislation every day & talk about it on news programs and podcasts to show off how they want to stop and reverse the mess created by trump/musk. Stop talking and start doing.
It is inappropriate to tell him to talk to the dems, especially by people who know anything about US politics what-so-ever. He's also the only one in the opposition actually trying to do something, and people decide to criticise him instead of the do-nothings.
I'm not criticizing him. I attended his rally in my town and voted for him in the 2016 primary. I'm criticizing your condescending attitude to the other poster. Because people who actually know anything about US politics know Independent isn't an actual political party
Exactly. Plus he's a senator. If he's outraged, he should save it for work because as far we can tell, they're rubber stamping everything they claim to oppose in as the minority party in the senate and fumbled repeatedly when they had the senate majority.
We need to do things. We need ways to counter the propaganda. If MSNBC could be bought reasonably, or a new network created from the leftovers, then you could make that free for all, somehow. Add another variation that appeals to a different group. Have both provide links to other sources....
The oligarchs want you to think it's hopeless, that there's nothing you can do. They are wrong; the collective actions of individuals make a difference. Every person who stands up brings us one person closer to defeating the billionaires. *Your actions matter.*
I'm a hammer Senator. Put me where the nails are.
I'm working on it though. I'm prepping for what's coming, get ting my own house in order and keeping my ear to the ground. I'm just watching and waiting for my opportunity.
Or will they be useless like the other day during the Presidential address to Congress?? had their chance. They switched presidential candidates, discarding the one voters selected.
They controlled the white house 12 of the last 16 years, running up massive debt and leaving entitlements to fail.
Déformation professionnelle.
They just cannot grasp that someone might play the game not by their familiar, acknowledged rules but by his own.
So, why is Criminal Trump helping Putin?
Follow the money of the Russian oligarchs that Criminal Trump stopped the sanctioning him.
I want to do something but I don’t have the composure to see a way this doesn’t end up like Bastille Day & I’m the one pulling the cord.
I also think it’d be great if you’d start firebombing Tesla dealerships like the French.
both has degenerated the parlament to a praising institution
of her glory highness.
Can we hope for closer collaboration with
It is important that you guys take action. As with Ukraine, the price will keep rising. 200+ million people did not vote for him. They need reasonable hope.
Thank you to these people for standing up (my heroes so far)
Rep. Al Green
Judge Adam Abelson
Judge William Alsup
Judge Amy Berman Jackson
Judge Ana Reyes
Judge Deborah Boardman
Judge Royce Lamberth
Spec. Counsel Dellinger
Judge Jamal Whitehead
Judge Loren Alikhan
Judge Amir Ali
Media has rotted your brain.
and don't send a boy
to do a man's job...
“We’re in the second American revolution which will remain bloodless if the left allows it”-Nazi Kevin Roberts
That is what a representative democracy is all about.
few suggestions: maybe arrange lunch between women of congress & SCOTUS. maybe MAGA going bonkers on Barrett is the universe giving a nudge in our direction. maybe it goes no where but worth the invitation at least. 1/
time for to make some good trouble. be seen. be heard. be brave. do the unexpected
I pray PEACE above you and below you. I pray safety and protection over you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. In Jesus name Amen
We need to implement a nonviolent civil disobedience,
organize a civil, officials and military defense with all those Institutions who recognize this new administration as a dangerous representation of the American citizens.
Leave no one behind.
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Thinking the Democratic party is our only chance when they are actively fighting against progress and purging the left is the recipe for disaster
You all got the money. Right?
Oligarchs fighting oligarchs.
That’s capitalism.
Oh wait the other oligarchs will stop you again, like they do every time.
Seems like this just keeps repeating Bernie.
Never give up.
Do not comply in advance.
Nothing else matters. If every source of information degrades the one defense we have left, the United States will fall.
But blue states should get prepared for secession. They may not want to now, but can get prepared. Like how are the federal tax etc systems tapped into state, and state troops, debt limit, etc. When needed, don't say "need another year".
With all repression at pro-Palestine rallies, with all the meek response to the travesties (such as no support to Al Green) or Elena Parent herself, I think Democrat party, at least the part which holds the reigns, isn't part of the solution.
Democracy isn't waiting for elected officials to finally become triggered into doing what's right.
Democracy is when we take it in our own hands and do something.
Funny how many people claim to align and agree with him that still wouldn’t vote for him.
But no, instead somehow what everyone wanted was ANOTHER FUCKING CLINTON.
Yes, one man will sacrifice an entire nation of 300 million to get away from prison.
What action can a leftist take?
Shove it this throat.
But yes, still vote. Voting is just one part of a healthy democracy.
I have no reps.
Seeing you, as well as Senator Chris Van Hollen, speaking TRUTH, LIVE, in support of Ukraine while directing at Putin, the Crimes Putin has and is Committing Against Humanity, strengthens my Hope for Ukraine and Democracy.
Just ⚖️ saying 🇺🇸
Love you man.
All hail the Plaguefather!
I’m just a high Canadian and I forgot about context. Sorry. 😬
I mean, good luck.
The color and signs were to avoid censure.
Luckily al green didn’t give a shit.
Forgive me for being ignorant, it’s so hard to keep up with everything going on sometimes, but I didn’t hear this .
The pink clothes and the blue and yellow ties. Along with the signs.
We’re in spite of what Jeffries told them.
Al Green spoke up despite being told not to disrupt the speech.
And it’s high time they got that through their osmium dense heads.
Is there a way to gather an emergency meeting? The resistance must be soon.
Demanding your representative oppose this, I believe, is productive.
Get the fuck outta here.
we need a law enacted to make it illegal for any media outlet to spread lies to the masses, first infraction $1 million fine, second one $5 million and the third is loss of broadcasting license for a year.