I'm sorry but this just warms my heart. Especially if it's hurting the rich people because they deserve it the most. And now is a good time to buy stock
Six weeks into the Trump/Elon presidency, and we’ve already hit world-record levels of corruption. Not even a subtle kind, either—this is corruption with a fireworks display, a marching band, and an overpriced VIP section at Mar-a-Lago. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/the-most-corrupt-administration-in
I think, they are trying to distract us from something else by creating some turbulence on the market. We need to watch everything closely and don’t let our guard down.
Wile we’re focusing on the stock market loses, don’t forget to look over there 👉 and over there 👉 and over there 👉 to see what else they’re stealing from us.
Trump is setting the table for the complete subjugation to Putin and Musk. After the main course is served, Putin and Musk will have Trump for dessert.
They MIGHT be doing it on purpose. The rich saw how much they could buy up cheap in the 08 crash. Now Trump is forcing a crash for cheap buyout. And to help boost the Russians economy. Russians stock are on the rise while ours fall.
Tucker Carlson helped deliver the Russian "tail" to our election, and his boy is now a "made man" in the new GOP Confedanazi party ...some things can't be done by phone...but "journalism credentials" can.
PSYCHOPATH Trump has been PSYCHOPATH Putin’s bootlicker for decades. (See Craig Unger’s books.)
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Sadly, it’s the dumbing of America. “I love the poorly educated” ~Donald Trump
Before your savings totally disappears.
He's probably looks a little used when he wakes up in the morning.
Just an adjustment, nothing to worry about says dumpster 🔥.
It hasn't been two months and the economy is ALREADY crashing and burning like a Tesla.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.