A new notebook or a beautiful ink pen that feels and writes wonderfully are two of my personal pleasures. I have far too many notebooks but they are a lovely weakness. I love feeling I can record my thoughts & the thoughts of others I want to remember on those pages of paper. Treasures. Enjoy!
Did you get old style pens or new design ones? Been using old but fancy Franklin Covey ball point and I can’t do without it but I need something lighter.
I hear you. I gave up handwriting some 10 years ago. It is slower, unintelligible, and cannot be immediately archived in digital form. I got myself a Samsung tablet with pen just for when I feel like not typing. And also for presentations when I can draw on the screen in real time. :)
We solved this problem around here by making gift lists obligatory. Lack of surprise is no issue when we no longer get useless gifts, or wrong sizes, or wrong colors, or just uglywear.
I solved it by announcing "No more Xmas gifts from me or to me!"
It's a big pressure, financial & otherwise.
Birthday gifts tend to be more thoughtful.
My bff & I agreed to celebrate each other's b'days with "treats", like theatre, heritage visits, or just a nice meal out.
Worked out brilliantly!
I think it is a great idea. Some in my family are weird about it, which is a shame.
My daughter's work just did a Secret Santa and they all made very reasonable lists and everyone was so happy with what they got.
But your post brought me to your tl and now I'm following you back 🦋💙. Keep posting!
Despite the fact that I don't use it after about a month or two, I still feel compelled to get one and go through this ritual.
It's a big pressure, financial & otherwise.
Birthday gifts tend to be more thoughtful.
My bff & I agreed to celebrate each other's b'days with "treats", like theatre, heritage visits, or just a nice meal out.
Worked out brilliantly!
My daughter's work just did a Secret Santa and they all made very reasonable lists and everyone was so happy with what they got.