I was in a Discord group with these MAGA idiots. They literally believe this, pressed them on their BS, they just retort to circular reasoning and nonsense. They couldn't accept that the world had moved on from their savagery and wanted to move on to the future.
If I hear someone, refer to anyone as far left, I know I’m not talking to a serious person. When I hear far right, I can name specific reasons why, we use far right. Specific deadly reasons. Saying far left, diminishes the perceived threat from the far right, which is what they want.
The terms far left, communist, and radical are just terms the "Conservatives" use to label anyone who gives a shit about the rest of this world. Lets be clear that fact that you empathize and care for those less fortunate that you, just makes you a good person. Call me whatever you want.
In the 50's & 60's people were called "COMMIES", who supported Russia and had sympathies for their beliefs and practices.
And those who did the name calling were Republicans. That species is EXTINCT.
I tried to explain about empathy to my MAGA brother who promptly told me to stick my head up my ass where it belongs.
I'd like to say, "Wake me when this hellscape is over!" Except it's truly up to all of us to fight this shit while pushing/pulling our "leaders" into the ring with us!
🎯Tim Walz has said "One person’s socialism is another person's neighborliness." Is it fringe to want to live in a world where everyone has their basic needs met? The United States is among the wealthiest nations in the history of humankind. Can we feed people please? Care for our sick? Seems basic.
It’s all relative. To a Nazi, pretty much anyone except another Nazi is “far left.” As conservatives, Republicans have become ever more extreme and radical in their right wings views, so has “far left” come to encompass an ever and ever greater variety of people.
Amen. Just like the Republicans have perverted the meanings of "woke" and DEI, they have made a boogie man out of normal, progressive humanist notions, and called it the far, radical, lunatic left. The same crazy left that brought you the 40 hour work week, equal pay, product safety, et al.
Unfortunately not enough people that think like you and I, bothered to get off their ass and vote in 2024 and now they want to bitch about it. They are no better then the MAGA's
My dude (non-gender reference BTW) - I SO agree with you! When did caring for the most fragile and needy become "commie pinko shit"? (Though I admit I am a proud commie pinko shit)
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦 https://youtu.be/1q82twrdr0U
If you were a conservative by the standards of 1995, and didn’t move an inch right or left since then, you would be considered a “liberal, communist, Marxist, socialist libtard” by the modern right that supports Trump.
A certain cabal is living in an alternate universe.
They are welcome to their cruelty and outright ignorance.
Thank you very much but most of us are out here
Remembering that one post that said my views are called communist because I think poor people deserve to be housed and fed but also my views are called far right because I don't think we should kill people for committing crimes
People will really laugh at the idea basic food, shelter, and water should be a human right. It's like they hear "All people deserve to die on caviar and lobster the rest of their days and live in mansions, regardless of financial status"
I personally don't care what anyone who thinks Trump is a brilliant business man &/or a good Christian man 😆 says about me. I don't waste my time or energy trying to reason with the most stupid, hateful, racist, bigoted & misogynistic morons on the planet.
Good is evil and evil is good,the rotten greed masters have flipped what is on its head greed and corruption is now king and evil it causes is now virtues.Deception and manipulation rules.
"I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy." (Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials.)
The Majority of Americans want good public schools, safe food, clean air, protection from profiteering and fraud, gun safety, job opportunities, Freedom of Speech, equal protection under the law, Due Process, adherence to the Constitution, etc. That is not leftist!!!!!!!
It's empathy. Hardest way to be in this world.
To watch as pain and suffering happen, to watch INTENTIONAL pain and suffering get inflicted on the least of us breaks your heart. It sure breaks mine.
You want to fold up and walk away. That would make us... not us. And that sucks.
Wealth is a hoarding disorder. It's not just the wealthy, either. Poor people have to buy in to the lie that they too could become that wealthy. Just vote in the evil and look away.
I feel you, but empathy and humanity are not about left or right on the political spectrum. It is human to feel empathy and compassion towards others. It is cruel and convenient to ignore the suffering of others. The latter is who has been elected.
I just don’t understand billionaires. If you were a billionaire wouldn’t you want more of the population to be wealthier so that we can buy more of their stuff?
i mean thats what left means. on the side of the people rather than the elite. its not a football team or a religion. If you want good things for people rather than oppression and pain, then you're left.
Even a lot of Dems think wanting people to have free healthcare, the rich pay their faire share and children to not go hungry is extreme. If there wasnt Bernie would have won with a landslide in 2016 and 2020.
If you define yourself as far left, you're fighting a losing battle. Far right, you're the bad guy. If what you believe is such as this, call yourself what you should be known as - a warrior of justice. A representative of justice. A vessel of purity and all that is good in a person.
I haven’t changed…I’m right in the middle where I have always been…everything around me has shifted so far right I’m now being called a hippie😂. So funny…my high school friends would be rofl as they remember my permed hair, polo shirts with the collars turned up and Firenze sweaters.
And don't forget Socialist and Marxists,which is what they call Bernie and AOC. In this political atmosphere of criminals, liars, theives, drug addicts, lunatics rapists, and pedophiles in this Administration, I would consider it a compliment. Equity starting to look better, than 1% hoarding it all
And the same people crying commie are the same people who call themselves Christian and go to church, are willing to pay a mega rich liar so he can buy a plane, but won't help a hungry child get 1 meal.
Then there’s that hopelessly far left belief that if you’re working full time to make someone wealthy, a living wage seems like a reasonable basic reward.
Please know the ones calling you that are the ones who have no idea what a communist is. If this crap keeps up, we all be living in a communist country. Stay strong!!
The US is evolving past country stage. It is becoming a socialist capitalist market. The wealthy have socialism. Bestowed their riches by government. The poor will die very poor. The middle will pay for it all as long as they are healthy because the dying poor will be their fate if they don’t.
We are living through the last gasp of the old dominion. Hold on. Keep believing.
We won't ever live in a post-scarcity world, but we CAN make "manufactured scarcity" a fossil if we choose.
I have come around to the opinion, particularly with what I am seeing now, that capitalism is an evil economic system. I mean, I always sort of knew, but it's so in my face more than ever these days.
You don't have to be far left to care for the poor.
Centrist Democrats also care for the poor. I can think of a main stream democrat named Joe Biden who cared very much for the poor. In fact the entire Democratic party care for the poor.
Their name will forever be cursed.
In the 50's & 60's people were called "COMMIES", who supported Russia and had sympathies for their beliefs and practices.
And those who did the name calling were Republicans. That species is EXTINCT.
I'd like to say, "Wake me when this hellscape is over!" Except it's truly up to all of us to fight this shit while pushing/pulling our "leaders" into the ring with us!
(That's commie speak for "yep".)
(it takes a few minutes, but it *is* kinda fun if you haven't already taken it)
Oh well, moving on...
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
If you want extremely affordable healthcare, extremely fair wages and extremely affordable housing, you're a far left extremist.
They are welcome to their cruelty and outright ignorance.
Thank you very much but most of us are out here
To watch as pain and suffering happen, to watch INTENTIONAL pain and suffering get inflicted on the least of us breaks your heart. It sure breaks mine.
You want to fold up and walk away. That would make us... not us. And that sucks.
When compared to the rest of the industrialized world most left people in America are centrists.
I just don’t understand billionaires. If you were a billionaire wouldn’t you want more of the population to be wealthier so that we can buy more of their stuff?
I don't like what we've become.
We won't ever live in a post-scarcity world, but we CAN make "manufactured scarcity" a fossil if we choose.
Centrist Democrats also care for the poor. I can think of a main stream democrat named Joe Biden who cared very much for the poor. In fact the entire Democratic party care for the poor.