Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you ever did to deserve what your country is about to do to you.
Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you ever did to deserve what your country is about to do to you.
That's actually one I DID write. 🥴
Lets be real.
The fascist take over never came.
The communist take over never came.
And I think it is very likely... the fascist take over is not actually going to come.
Check back in four years.
It's too bitter and too close.
I've been using that VERY song on my Instagram posts for MONTHS.
We are simpatico, my friend.💙
This is it
We should probably expect a little of that, with the sudden influx of a million people...
He made it seem as though the government wasn't for the people. With that in mind, Reagan sealed the deal.