My latest piece on Substack:
“This is not who we are”
“This is not who we are”
Maybe we can reverse course, maybe not. That remains to be seen. But for now, Donald Trump defines us and it's gonna take a lot more than a few signs on the side of the road to change that.
In reality, this is precisely who we are, now.
Can we be something other? Maybe.
We as a country could not have elected Trump twice if that wasn't the case.
Of course not everybody is "guilty", but as a country
we are who we elect.
Yes, it is shameful.
When people close themselves off because of what's happening, it's not good. During the worst of COVID the late night comedians and writers kept people informed and snickering.
Makes it easier to put one foot in front of the other and to resist.
That meeting was so atrocious, it called for anger and action.
Still, there are a lot of people not paying attention. SNL and the late night shows are how some people find out about these things, & hopefully look further into them.
Now the sons are Russian operatives.
And it’s what the great American public voted for. Tens of millions saw a dementia addled sex assaulting charity fraudster Putin loving sociopathic liar and bigot and decide that was who they wanted as President.
It will take decades before we will be trusted by Americans or the entire world
We have to fight all over again like our grandparents & great grandparents to get back our basic rights
Use it to COUNTER the LIES
Use simple direct language-EXPLAIN Diplomacy
Explain HOW FED
Explain soft power, appropriations, Congress’ job, limits on Agencies, role of IGs! Give real examples of IG exposed fraud!
📫Feel Free to Repost📫
If he doesn’t resign his career is finished for any political run in the future & his reputation gone
"America First" should mean "America Leads" NOT "America thumbs it's nose at the rest of the world"!!
Wake Up, America!!
But there’s steel in his spine
A suit with no man, and his minions act blind
#resist #barsnotwars
The problem in this country is the gulf between ‘we’ and ‘they’ has, over the last 20 years, gotten immensely large
I’m saying, with total seriousness and dread, that a nation in which ‘we’ and ‘they’ become so diametrically opposed, and so totally split, will not last long.
Trump doesn't represent who we are, but for Republicans, he represents what they invariably become.
Offering better ideas is not a heavy lift -- use media more effectively, be timely in response to events, align talk points, stiffen resolve with solutions. #makeaplan
Not saying a country can't change and repent but the current situation is 100% par for the course.
Foto: Roald Als/POLITIKEN
Just like it is who america was at the start of ww2 when america couldn't be bothered helping - too busy flirting again with their own nationalist nazism
The world is tired of hearing the American exceptionalist bullshit...
The only group of americans willing to admit what I just wrote is the group they falsely label "the far left" - and they hate them for it🙄
I have found that the people who voted for him only regret their votes when it affects them personally.
So, I say, bring it. Yes, we’ll also suffer, but our idiot neighbors who chose this need to see consequences so real they can connect the dots.
Something louder than their alternate reality echosphere (including twitter) that can truly scare people
fuck America as far as I'm concerned
You had 85 million residents fail to vote last November. That's almost 36% of Americans who, in this of all elections, could not be bothered to vote.
Now, that's sad.
This is not what you and other Americans are, but you're the minority now.
My appreciation for the USA as a country has fallen almost to zero.
Shame on The Fuhrer of the United States of America.
We stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦
Zelensky is a hero
It is absolutely who we *are*.
It’s in plain view.
The majority of you explicitly voted for this (in the TENS OF MILLIONS, not a fringe) and the rest of you are letting it happen.
I don’t think any of you can distance yourselves from this.
You overestimate your fellow citizens, Mr Acosta.
Look at the person that 77.3 million Americans voted to be President.
Then look at how many stayed at home rather than voting to stop the person who became President becoming President.
I know it's not who you are, I know it's not who I am, but the big "we" allowed them in and seems in no hurry to move them out.
We are governed by rich sociopaths and their spineless sycophants.
The press is included in the second.
But that should not keep good people and good journalists from trying to change that.
You do good work, Mr. Acosta- keep it up.