I think there has to be some GOP legislators who are starting to consider crossing the aisle, but why would they if they don't think they can make a difference because Dems are caving?
My belief is that many of the Democratic "leaders", Chuck Schumer and his ilk in particular, are either out of touch _and_ rudderless or else are getting some perceived benefit for this behavior.
Chuck Schumer is an old school oak-paneled private dining room elite donor class fundraising politician who is completely unqualified to meet this moment and must step aside immediately.
@schumer.senate.gov we need a #NewSenateMinorityLeader today …If you think the magas are getting booed just wait, the ceiling is coming down! #Betrayal #VoteNo
Donald Trump is going to do what he wants with or without a shut down. All democrats should be fighting like hell and showing to the American public that they care and won't cave to a wannabe dictator no matter the circumstance.
I don't know. I think this is a hard one. If you really believe that a government shut-down will just make Trump more powerful, that has to give you pause.
Of course he caved!!
Needs to let his constituents know that he’s not going to be running for reelection enough is enough. He is not somebody that can leave the Democratic Party any longer.
Chuck buried the lede, and it's worth consideration.
“If government were to shut down, Doge has a plan in place to exploit the crisis for maximum destruction,” Schumer said.
Any Senate Democrats that Vote Yes to pass The House GOP Bill & liar Racist Felon Criminal Dictator Trump need to Vote out, because they are not real Democrats & do not care What their Supporters & Voters need & want, Fuck Them, Specialty the liar scare hypocrite Chuck Schumer!
His strategy seems to be laying down and accepting fascist rule. The ship won't right itself. He's been in DC so long he doesn't remember how to fight.
If there is a shutdown, of course, the djT team will automatically blame the dems. So, who’s the to blame for the crashing stock market, the tariffs, breaking ties with our neighbours and allies? It’s not a game, however, it might have to happen… idk 🤷♂️
Schumer fucking capitulated. He's worse than Worthless. As long as the DNC has fucking "leadership " like that they won't receive one penny. I'll donate, & support those who are actually Fighting against the MAGA regime. Party itself can go fuck completely off until they Replace these Weak traitors.
@shaheen.senate.gov your staff seem lost and your DC number isn't working. Only way I could get through with a message begging you to vote no on the CR and the cloture was to call your NH number at (603) 542-4872.
Resign today, Chuck.
There are only about thirty-five million of us out here calling it "caving." 😉
Of course, others amongst us skipped straight to "chickenshit cowardly appeasement."
Your mileage may vary.
Sometimes politics is hard.
Needs to let his constituents know that he’s not going to be running for reelection enough is enough. He is not somebody that can leave the Democratic Party any longer.
“If government were to shut down, Doge has a plan in place to exploit the crisis for maximum destruction,” Schumer said.
Also #NotOneMoreDimeDems
Until you start fighting.