You can extinguish tear gas canisters!
Wearing gloves, submerge the canister in a wide-mouthed water jug containing baking soda, dish soap, and/or vegetable oil—3 tablespoons of each per liter of water.
Cover the top with one hand, just enough to keep the gas from getting out, and shake the jug.
Wearing gloves, submerge the canister in a wide-mouthed water jug containing baking soda, dish soap, and/or vegetable oil—3 tablespoons of each per liter of water.
Cover the top with one hand, just enough to keep the gas from getting out, and shake the jug.
Never seal a bottle containing an active tear gas canister—you don't want it to explode.
You can learn more here:
This page is updated by a French journalist, Maxime Sirvin
But you will need to use a container with a wider mouth than the standard one-gallon water jug.
Right now—like it or not—people are demonstrating in the streets, and some of them are considerably more at risk than you are.
When police attempt to harm them and to prevent them from exercising the freedom to assemble, should they know how to help each other?
Or not?
Also, only try this while wearing heat-proof gloves. Those canisters are hot.
You don't have to worry about a canister reigniting, but you do need to shake it under the water until it is fully extinguished.
But the answer to your question will vary according to the size of the police force where you live, the number of police they deploy on a given occasion, whether they are concentrated or spread thin, and many other factors.
Still, anything you can do will help.
Water is sufficient, it doesn't need those additives.