I’m a Republican that hates Trump. I have watched a felon, fraud, sexual predator, liar & thief become President “AGAIN”! Before the election Trump flooded the airways, every news channel & newspaper. l saw VERY LITTLE coming from Dems. If this country is to survive, you need to do better. NOW!
arguably earlier isn’t being loud for you?
You are correct, my party has become toxic. Yours has become soft.
All most of us can do is vote. That proved pathetically ineffective. Demonstrations of the peaceful, 60s-type are useless weapons of a bygone era.
How do we get these cowards in power, who won't take action, to do so?
Already I hear "Get ready for the mid-terms!" Will voting work then? *smh*
Once Trump's in power, the mid-terms won't matter. He'll rewrite everything to keep himself King.
It’s a concerted, coordinated effort from a handful of humanity’s greediest, sickest sociopaths/psychopaths.
Checkmate — winner not only takes ALL… but they rewrite the rules & rig the game in their permanent favor (fuck the rest of us).👍
WTG MAGA! You deserve nothing less👍
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