*Yes, I know. You don't think (insert game here) is an RPG.
*Yes, I know some games aren't in English. The United States isn't the only country that plays video games.
*Yes, I know the PlayStation has more RPGs, it has a larger library of games
*Trust me, I know
I really wish someone would rebalance Harvest Moon 64 to make the game clock match the timing of the PS1 game. It's obvious that 64 was not a complete game and back in the day it was so hectic to play, always rushing from one building to the next.
I remember renting that and being disappointed at what a weird weird time it was. Really need to give to a proper shot now that I know what to expect more
It's a story driven single player game with one on one "hybrid" turn based/real time combat that uses hit points and you level up your moves and body parts
It's also important to know the turn-based fighting involves pro wrestling moves and submissions in the moves list. You can eventually put aliens in figure-four leglocks. Hybrid Heaven might be the most "video game" video game on the Nintendo 64. Can't recommend the experience enough.
I rented MegaMan 64 and thought that was the coolest take on MegaMan ever. Ended up getting the PS1 version later to finish it. Amazing RPG if not a bit weirdly paced lol
every time i think about 64 rpgs i think about this american super nintendo focused anime focused jrpg focused magazine from the mid 90s and how hyped they were for the 64 and the next ff or chrono trigger game
The N64 has some good RPGs that are too easily overlooked / actively ignored. Happy to see Harvest Moon 64 on the list. I kept that sold out when I worked at Toys R Us back in 2000/2001.
The sad thing though is that the N64 doesn’t have any flipper pinball. AFAIK, not even a minigame.
Hybrid Heaven was and still is extremely underrated. I’d put in there with RPG’s like Saga that a lot players write off too easily because the leveling system is different from conventional games like Final Fantasy etc.
*Yes, I know some games aren't in English. The United States isn't the only country that plays video games.
*Yes, I know the PlayStation has more RPGs, it has a larger library of games
*Trust me, I know
That's the beauty of genre classification, it's not and will never be an exact science.
Some people don't count games like Diablo and Oblivion as RPGs lol
The worst genres for gatekeepers are Metroidvania (like Shadow Man, Jedi Fallen Order, Control) and Immersive Sims (like Breath of the Wild).
Honestly just having one on it invalidates the "has none" statement
>gets upset when people say "wait a minute, by no standardized definition are these games RPGs"
They are part of the River King series, so kinda Harvest Moon, kinda Pokemon, kinda Animal Crossing lol
(and obviously put quest 64 there every time)
These are games on the system lol
I mean it's a fighting game at heart, but the single player has plenty of story and RPG style collection and progression
The sad thing though is that the N64 doesn’t have any flipper pinball. AFAIK, not even a minigame.