Political scientists -- I've found a Microsoft Excel function that does a great job modelling executive branch decision-making in the United States at the moment.
So I went looking at what =rand() meant.
And now I'm howling.
Thanks for the - ahem - input today.
You need Chaos()
Does it do the same for you?
Here's an algorithm that describes the maga model.
while (orange == true);
nonsense ++;
If (logic)
logic = null;
The simplest chaos function
dx/dt = O(y - x), dy/dt = x(P - z) - y, dz/dt = xy - Bz
where O = 10, P = 28, B = 8/3
hat tip to mr lorenz
Things like the on and off tariffs are designed to promote insider trading. Why do you think none of Trumps children are advisors this time around.
Function RandBetw (a, b)
dim ret as integer
ret = Rnd*(b - a) + a
RandBetw = ret
End Function