Ok time for the Ranking of Zeldas
1. BotW
2. Link Between Worlds
3. Twilight Princess
4. Ocarina of Time
5. The first one
6. Link to the Past
7. Wind Waker
8. TotK
9. Link’s Awakening
10. Zelda 2
1. BotW
2. Link Between Worlds
3. Twilight Princess
4. Ocarina of Time
5. The first one
6. Link to the Past
7. Wind Waker
8. TotK
9. Link’s Awakening
10. Zelda 2
1. Majora's Mask
2. Link's Awakening
3. Breath of the Wild
4. Legend of Zelda
5. Twilight Princess
6. Ocarina of Time
7. Zelda II
8. Link to the Past
This seems contrarian, but I don't much like Zelda Zeldas
2. Crusader of Centy
3. Neutopia II
4. Magic knight Rayearth (Saturn)
5. Alundra
6. Neutopia
7. Story of Thor
8. Sylvan Tale
9. Brave Prove
10. Lil gator game
I think that's all of them
It has some of my favorite dungeons, like that ice castle. What a cool level.
Also I forgot majora’s mask, let’s put that after the original Zelda
My best guess is context? I played the GameCube version, not the Wii one, and it just felt like a cool Zelda!
Zelda (NES)
Zelda II
Link’s Awakening
I could honestly live with never playing another 3D style Zelda because they've never captured the same feeling as the overhead ones for me. Too scripted / restrictive outside of BotW (Tears was especially quest driven progress).
9. Link Between Worlds
8. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
7. Minish Cap
6. Ocarina of Time
5. Twilight Princess
4. Link's Awakening
3. The Wind Waker
2. Majora's Mask
1. Breath of the Wild
Haven't decided where TotK slots in because I've played it once. I loved it but not like BotW.
1. TotK
2. BotW
3. Link Between Worlds
4. Ocarina
5. Link to the Past
6. Wind Waker
7. Zelda II
8. Twilight Princess
9. Legend of Zelda
10. Majora's Mask