ABDL are perfectly welcome and an important part of the kink community.
I rather be part of a community that welcomes them , and wary about folks or groups that shun them.
I rather be part of a community that welcomes them , and wary about folks or groups that shun them.
Reposted from
Jordan Shinespark
I say this not only to tease, but to inform.
You see that popufur over there? Yeah they’re into diapers.
How have you never known? They’re deathly afraid of people finding out.
Why? The stigma.
There are many, many diaperfurs around who are just too afraid to be open about it. Break the stigma.
You see that popufur over there? Yeah they’re into diapers.
How have you never known? They’re deathly afraid of people finding out.
Why? The stigma.
There are many, many diaperfurs around who are just too afraid to be open about it. Break the stigma.
1. none of my fucking business unless I'm one of the involved parties
2. none of anyone else's business
2a. if it shows up on your feed, block/mute and move on.
some grown ups wear diapers. get over it.
besides, some people genuinely find it therapeutic. and if it's helping them without hurting anybody, I say go for it.
sorry, I ran out of characters to fully explain but it was like a /nau or /nah type intent.
I've seen abdls hate sissies
sissies hate furries
and furries hate abdls.
None of it makes sense.
We're not harming anyone, just living our lives, and if people have a problem with that, I do not care. They can Seethe, and I'll be enjoying a nice, comfy Diaper and gaming.
I won't hold anybody's kink against them, long as they respect consent & limits :3