At midnight, Donald Trump is raising prices on the things you buy every day.
Let's break it down:
Let's break it down:
Omg we totally have parties making fun of trump and his club
He is such a bully and totally not invited
Who gets that 25% extra tariff money? It's a tax, the US federal government will get it. He'll use the money to buy bitcoin.
From the title of the video, it's clear you don't understand tariffs.
Tariffs have two goals: 1) Protect American jobs, 2) Punitive damages to bad actor countries.
It also doesn't mean he won't implement tariffs.
He is playing chicken with our economy for his personal financial gain.
This will continue until his supporters realize they were idiots.
Democrats will never win again without a more aggressive strategy
Its almost like the answer is in the thing they wanna destroy.
Republicans have lost their collective soul to Trumpism. They could care less about America.
We the people can end this presidency when we've had enough however. Because no matter how you stack it, we outnumber MAGA.
A good old fashioned political stake through the heart is what's needed here.
My parents raised me better than that, hope yours did too
Do something to flip script. Go on offense in any way you can. The American people are waiting for a call to action!
Let us not weaken America for the whims of Anti-Americans domestic or abroad.
USAID and Ukraine 🇺🇦 deserve and Need Our Continued Support as Well.
American Values
Affordable Costs of Living
WW3? Maybe. Not sure yet. But are we at war with Russia? 100%. We have been infiltrated.
Or after they ramp up killing the American people?
Or just let them ramp up killing the American people & not even stop them then?
I'm not being facetious.
This is a serious question put to you.
I wonder when the Democratic Party became so impotent.😡
You have to stop him, now.
There is absolutely nothing the democrats in Congress or the Senate can do. They are powerless. The republicans control every branch of government. Every. Branch.
No one is coming to save us. When every branch of government has fallen, the final check is the people.
This is not the time for high ground.
No. One. Is. Going. To. Save. Us.
At best, someone will rise to the occasion and we can rally around them. But deep down, you KNOW this is in our hands.
They WANT you to wait. They WANT inaction.
It will damn us.
But to drive the point home - these weren't won because the political party with no power did something
It was because the people - the final check - came together
No one will save us. This is up to us.
But what I hope and what I expect are different things. You hope for the best and plan for the worst.
The tech bro crowd has been preaching to their followers to go "door to door, policeman to policeman."
It's them, & the paramilitaries > most dangerous rn
But if you're in a blue state? Also call your state reps. States don't have a huge record of standing against the Feds, but new laws are your best bet.
This strategy requires 5-10 republicans to have the balls to break with MAGA - while we are actively getting reports their safety is being threatened.
It’s not either or. Don’t give Schiff a free pass just because it’s time for the people to fight. As members OF the people, him and his colleagues are in an extraordinary position to act.
If you woke up tomorrow as a senator, would you just immediately fold and give up?
And senator adam is one
I know they're building to it. They are clearly aligning messaging - but it's painfully slow
Referencing Yarvin's Butterfly Revolution ideas to overthrow US
One of the most notable ways politicians CAN participate IS in peaceful protests and be arrested to bring attention to injustice!
Congressman John Lewis: was arrested numerous times for engaging in nonviolent protests.
today a woman i know well who is a buyer for a large retailer talked of how they are starting buying for the holiday season. suppliers in china, mexico and canada are showing them costs are rising by 25%
tariffs = consumers pay
Now Donold’s threat is to tariff the crap out of it, but that wood door swings both ways with tariffs.
Right back atcha bud. Careful what you wish for Donnie. How’s your building trade doing with limited lumber.
How can we possibly afford or allow this? The market will crash too!
“Arrests” at the federal level are initiated by the DOJ. Again, not happening.
Imstop reposting social media We got that that’s what I want.
Dems are using “influence” on committees but they’re in the minority for the next 2 yrs so “influence” doesn’t stop anything.
Since you’re unconcerned about democracy and refused to actually file a lawsuit or take to the street, maybe you could tell us how you like chocolate chip
Articles of impeachment.
Make Republicans vote to support Trump every single day – so that people see this, and hear it every day
The Democrats have already played dead for too many years.
60% of our people are living paycheck to paycheck. Millions of seniors are going hungry.
Now is the time to stand up for the working class of this country.
has notes.
NOT-MY-PRESIDENT convict Dicktator anymore 🤬 We can't fix stupid, I guess 🥺
Keep up the resistance. yell out at the state of the union. Make it a shitshow.
It’s a Trump Tax on Americans
This is very bad already and is getting much worse.
This is going on too