If you’re wondering how Donald Trump’s economic policies are actually going – compare your grocery bill from December with your bill last week.
Gaslight all he wants – the reality is that American families are hurting.
And Trump is making it worse.
Gaslight all he wants – the reality is that American families are hurting.
And Trump is making it worse.
The norms are gone we need you to fight for us.
It takes time to clean up the mess of a Failed Status Quo.
I think Trump and the GOP are reserving a special place for you….
Democrats/Government Offices/Military have got to say “NO, it is illegal, we will not obey this Administration’s illegal requests.
Send termination letters to Republicans who took an oath to protect our country, stop salaries.
Call in the National Guard!
There is no normalcy or precedent here. Our country has been taken over by a coup.
What do you need from this constituent in order to fight his behavior and destruction?
He’s making all the right decisions…
Be ready for the new models of North Korean cars to enter the market soon…
Oh right; North Koreans can’t afford cars, or gas, or food for that matter…
Follow Al Green's example! Do something!
Damn do something!!
Oh. You won’t do that?
Then you’re complicit