Positioning is when you have the courage to disappoint the people you're not meant to serve.
Most people live in perpetual market confusion, trying to appeal to everyone, afraid to disappoint anyone.
But your market's mental filter doesn't work that way.
Most people live in perpetual market confusion, trying to appeal to everyone, afraid to disappoint anyone.
But your market's mental filter doesn't work that way.
It's scanning for pattern matches. For signals that say "this is for me." And you can't send that signal while trying to be everything to everyone.
It’s not a messaging problem.
It’s a courage problem.
Every time you water down your message to appeal to more people, you weaken your signal strength to the people you're actually meant to serve.
Your market's mental filter operates on a simple principle:
Clear signals get filtered in.
Weak signals get filtered out.
Your signal becomes clear.
Your message gets through.
Your market self-selects for you.
When you disappoint the many, you delight the few.
And that’s all you need.
So don't clog the filter.